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Should We Worship God's Nature?

Dr. Craig discusses Divine Simplicity with Ryan Mullins and Cameron Bertuzzi. You can watch the entire interview here:

QUESTION: Please help me understand the distinction between God's person and his nature. Is his nature what he is made of? If so, should we worship his nature?”

DR. CRAIG: The nature of God would be his essential properties. God is an omniscient, omnipotent, holy, eternal, omnipresent, personal being. Those would be certain properties that would make up his nature. Now, his person – as trinitarians we believe actually that God is tri-personal – that there are three persons who share that common nature: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. So I think we worship the persons. We don't worship the nature (this set of properties).

QUESTION: Do you think it'd be fair to say we worship the persons because of the kind of things that they are?


QUESTION: I've never understood the different objections where it is like, “You’re just worshiping the nature.” And I'm like, “Well, I worship God because he's perfect; because he has a perfect nature.” But I'm not worshiping the whole package.

DR. CRAIG: You're not worshiping omnipotence, for example. Or, “I'm going to worship omnipresence.” You worship God, not his properties. Now, of course, you see, for the simplicity theorist, he collapses the distinction between God and his properties. He says that either God is his properties or that God doesn't have any properties. So this distinction would evaporate.