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Naturalistic Universe vs Theistic Universe

Dr. Craig responds to a question explaining the difference between a naturalistic view of the universe and a theistic one, followed by 6 primary arguments for theism.

DR. CRAIG: Naturalism is the view that all that exists is space-time and its contents. Another word for naturalism is materialism or physicalism. That's all that exists. There are no supernatural realities. Theism is the opposite of atheism. Theism is the view that there is a transcendent, personal, creator and designer of the universe who is the source of absolute moral goodness called God. So a theistic universe is a universe that is created and sustained by God; a naturalistic universe is a universe of matter and energy and nothing else.

INTERVIEW: And no purpose in their design?

DR. CRAIG: Right. That would be an implication of naturalism. Since there is no transcendent creator and designer, the naturalistic universe just simply unfolds according to the laws of nature that govern it. As a philosopher I've specialized in various theistic arguments or arguments for the existence of God. Let me just list these briefly. One, I think that God is the best explanation for why anything at all exists rather than just nothing. Secondly, God is the best explanation for the origin of the universe at a point in the finite past. Thirdly, God is the best explanation for the applicability of mathematics to the physical world. Fourth, God is the best explanation for the fine-tuning of the universe for intelligent life. Fifth, God is the best explanation for objective moral values and duties in the world. Finally, if God's existence is even logically possible then it follows logically that God must exist. Now, that's just six of the many, many arguments for the existence of God that I've written on and defended in my philosophical work.