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Is the Strong Version of Divine Simplicity Biblical?

Dr. Craig discusses Divine Simplicity with Ryan Mullins and Cameron Bertuzzi.

RYAN MULLINS: So this stronger doctrine of divine simplicity is the one – that's what everybody is really interested in these days. No one cares about, "Oh well, God doesn't have some parts." They want to go big or go home, right? Do you think that there is any biblical evidence for this?

DR. CRAIG: There's absolutely no biblical grounds for this stronger doctrine of divine simplicity. In fact, I'm convinced that the strong doctrine is not simply unbiblical; I think it's positively anti-biblical. I think that the Bible tells us quite a number of God's essential properties so that we do have a good idea of what some of God's essential properties are: his goodness, his holiness, his being all-powerful, his being all-knowing, his being all-present, his being eternal. All of these are essential properties of God that the Scripture teaches us because God himself has revealed himself to us in Scripture. So I think that this doctrine is positively anti-biblical. The idea that God has no potentiality seems to me to be obviously false scripturally speaking because God has the ability – the potential – to do all sorts of things that he isn't actually doing. So clearly God has tremendous, unlimited potential.