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Is Dr. Craig a Shepherd Who Destroys & Scatters God's Sheep?

Dr. Craig addresses Ken Ham's social media comment insinuating that he's a shepherd who destroys and scatters God's sheep.

DR. SWAMIDASS: Back in December, it says December 16th, Ken Ham posted this comment. I think this is a pretty strong statement; I want to get your response to it. He says woe to the shepherds, I think meaning you, who destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture, declares the Lord, Jeremiah 23:1. Are you a shepherd who destroys and scatters the sheep of God's pasture?

DR. CRAIG: Well, I don't think so, Josh. I have met so many people who, on the contrary, have been put off from Christian belief, and have even become atheistic because they couldn't bring themselves to believe that the world was created in six consecutive 24-hour days somewhere around 10,000 years ago. So those kinds of people I am providing help to, to enable them to embrace Christian faith without committing what they would think to be intellectual suicide.