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Is Critical Theory Consistent with Christianity?

Dr. Craig explains why critical theory is inconsistent with the Christian worldview!

This is part and parcel of critical theory, that you analyze society and societal structures in terms of power struggles between dominant groups and subservient groups. The notion is that differences in power are inherently corrupting and inherently inequitable. From a Christian perspective, this is clearly mistaken because there is no greater difference in power between God and ourselves, and yet that does not mean that God is therefore a tyrannical, evil, dominating person. Rather, He is a loving Father who seeks to bring benefit and goodness into our lives. And so while I agree that we should, as Christians, be counter-cultural – I think that as Christians we don't just go along with the culture, we do recognize where there are corruptions and how it's been distorted and twisted by sin. Nevertheless, we don't simply blame that on differences in power. We are all sinful, and we need to bring that into the obedience and the transforming power of God through confession and moral transformation by the Holy Spirit.