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How Should Pastors Teach the Early Chapters of Genesis?

What should pastors include in their messages about the early narratives in Genesis?

I don't think that we should try to explain too much when we're not teaching this material. So if one is preaching on Genesis chapter 1, I don't think you should go into all of this stuff. You should just exegete the story in the way that Jesus did. He said, “God created them man and woman, he united them together as man and wife, and so what God has joined together let no man put asunder. And that this is the teaching of the story.” Remember, I think someone yesterday pointed out how we can discern the teaching of the parables without dealing with their historicity. They have a clear didactic point to teach us, and when you're preaching on the parables you don't go into the question of whether or not these are historical. And I think you can do the same here.