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Does the Resurrection Really Matter?

Some people say they believe in the resurrection, but it doesn't have any impact on their lives. Dr. Craig responds!

JOHN ANDERSON: The research suggests that a minimum (the lowest figure I've seen in any credible research) is 35% of Australians still believe the resurrection happened. The high number is around 43%. And yet it doesn't follow through. If you believe it happened . . . What is it . . .? You might be able to throw some light on it. What is it about our mindset, our culture, that says you can take the view that something as profound as that happened, but you don't need to do anything about it? You just mosey on with your life.

DR. CRAIG: Well, frankly, John, I just don't understand that mentality. I cannot understand it. It seems to me that if this actually occurred, that means that this man was who he claimed to be, the Son of God and the absolute revelation of God the Father to mankind, and that therefore we need to listen to what he said and what he taught! And that means that Jesus holds the key that unlocks the door to eternal life, that it is through him that we can find forgiveness of our sins, moral cleansing and reconciliation with God, and come into an eternal love relationship with the Creator and designer of the universe. So this is huge! You cannot understand this and be apathetic about it. It should change everything!