05 / 06
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Did Christ Physically Appear in the Old Testament?

I wouldn't want to say that this is metaphysically impossible. It would be presumptuous to say that it was impossible for the second person of the Trinity to do that. But when you really think about what this implies, I think it's very problematic. It would say that Jesus’ assumption of a human nature in the virginal conception of Mary was not unique; that that was one human nature that he assumed, but he had already done this in the past, maybe multiple times. So there are really multiple incarnations and the second person of the Trinity has multiple human natures which, to me, seems to contradict the uniqueness and the specialness of what God has done in the virginal conception and incarnation of Christ, the second person of the Trinity. So I am not at all sympathetic with the idea that Old Testament theophanes represent the pre-incarnate Christ taking on literally human natures at that earlier time and existing as a human being.