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Case for the Resurrection in 2 Minutes!

Dr. Craig quickly shares the evidence and the significance of the resurrection!

My doctoral work at the University of Munich was on this question, and I was quite taken aback, quite surprised to discover, that the central facts undergirding the inference to the resurrection of Jesus are actually acknowledged by the wide majority of New Testament critics today, be they Christian or non-Christian, liberal or conservative, and these facts can be summarized under three main headings. Number one would be that the tomb of Jesus in which he was buried was found empty on the first day of the week after his crucifixion by a group of his female followers. The second fact is that thereafter different individuals and groups of people came to experience appearances of Jesus alive after his death following his crucifixion. And then the third fact would be that the original disciples suddenly and sincerely came to believe that God had raised Jesus from the dead, despite every predisposition to the contrary. Now those three facts are not simply the possession of conservative scholars; those are the widely acknowledged facts about the fate of Jesus of Nazareth held by historical Jesus scholars. So the only question is how do you best explain those three facts? And I'm persuaded that the best explanation of them is the one that the original disciples themselves gave, namely that God raised Jesus from the dead. And this is so significant because if that is the best explanation, that means that God has publicly and dramatically vindicated those allegedly blasphemous claims for which Jesus of Nazareth was crucified, and that therefore he, in fact, was who he claimed to be.