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Is Blind Faith Better Than Belief Based on Evidence?

In April 2016, Dr. William Lane Craig was invited to Grace Presbyterian Church in Peoria, IL to speak at their annual missions conference. In this short excerpt, Dr. Craig answers a question concernin...

Jonah & Jesus: Three Days and Nights?

In April 2016, Dr. William Lane Craig was invited to Grace Presbyterian Church in Peoria, IL to speak at their annual missions conference. In this short excerpt, Dr. Craig answers a question concernin...

If an Unbeliever Dies for Someone Else, How Can God Send That Person to Hell?

In April 2016, Dr. William Lane Craig was invited to Grace Presbyterian Church in Peoria, IL to speak at their annual missions conference. In this short excerpt, Dr. Craig answers a question concernin...

Dealing with Personal Doubts About Christianity

In March 2017 Dr. Craig traveled the island of Ireland on a speaking tour that included various debates, lectures, and meetings. In this talk with the local church leaders of Belfast, he engages a que...

How Can Apologetics Be Integrated into Our Churches?

In March 2017 Dr. Craig traveled the island of Ireland on a speaking tour that included various debates, lectures, and meetings. In this talk with the local church leaders of Belfast, he engages a que...

Dr Craig's Favorite Argument for God's Existence

In March 2017 Dr. Craig traveled the island of Ireland on a speaking tour that included various debates, lectures, and meetings. In this talk with the local church leaders of Belfast, Dr. Craig answer...

Tips & Tricks for Reading Books Well

In March 2017 Dr. Craig traveled the island of Ireland on a speaking tour that included various debates, lectures, and meetings. In this talk with the local church leaders of Belfast, Dr. Craig answer...

How Do You Explain the Rise of New Atheism?

In March 2017 Dr. Craig traveled the island of Ireland on a speaking tour that included various debates, lectures, and meetings. In this Q&A following his lecture on the topic "Is Christianity Cre...

On the Doctrine of Original Sin

In March 2017 Dr. Craig traveled the island of Ireland on a speaking tour that included various debates, lectures, and meetings. In this Q&A following his lecture on the topic "Is Christianity Cre...

On the Age of the Universe

In March 2017 Dr. Craig traveled the island of Ireland on a speaking tour that included various debates, lectures, and meetings. In this Q&A following his lecture on the topic "Is Christianity Cre...