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On Conflicts in Evolved Moral Values

 In March 2017 Dr. Craig traveled the island of Ireland on a speaking tour that included various debates, lectures, and meetings. In this Q&A; following his debate with Michael Nugent on the ...

Why Did God Omit Certain Atrocities from the Ten Commandments?

 In March 2017 Dr. Craig traveled the island of Ireland on a speaking tour that included various debates, lectures, and meetings. In this Q&A; following his debate with Michael Nugent on the ...

Should I Forgive Someone Who Commits Evil Against Me?

 In March 2017 Dr. Craig traveled the island of Ireland on a speaking tour that included various debates, lectures, and meetings. In this Q&A; following his debate with Michael Nugent on the ...

Was Jesus an Exception to Roman Burial Practices?

 In March 2017 Dr. Craig traveled the island of Ireland on a speaking tour that included various debates, lectures, and meetings. In this Q&A; following his debate with Michael Nugent on the ...

What Is the Most Compelling Argument for the Divine Inspiration of Scripture?

 In March 2017 Dr. Craig traveled the island of Ireland on a speaking tour that included various debates, lectures, and meetings. In this talk with the local church leaders of Belfast, Dr. Craig ...

What Is the Best Age to Begin Apologetics Training with Young People?

 In March 2017 Dr. Craig traveled the island of Ireland on a speaking tour that included various debates, lectures, and meetings. In this talk with the local church leaders of Belfast, Dr. Craig ...

Can't You Have Objective Moral Values Based on Mutual Self Interest?

 In March 2017 Dr. Craig traveled the island of Ireland on a speaking tour that included various debates, lectures, and meetings. In this talk with the local church leaders of Belfast, Dr. Craig ...

Suffering and Evil: The Logical Problem

View the Suffering and Evil, The Probability Version animation video: https://youtu.be/cxj8ag8Ntd4 View the Ontological Argument Animation video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xBmAK... View the Kala...

Suffering and Evil: The Probability Version

View the Suffering and Evil, The Logical Problem animation video: https://youtu.be/k64YJYBUFLM View the Ontological Argument animation video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xBmAK... View the Kalam Co...

What Will Be the Big Apologetic Issues of the Future?

 In March 2017 Dr. Craig traveled the island of Ireland on a speaking tour that included various debates, lectures, and meetings. In this talk with the local church leaders of Belfast, Dr. Craig ...