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God Can Be Personally Known and Experienced

Dr. Craig appears on the long-running John Ankerberg show to share five good reasons to believe God exists.

How to Start a Reasonable Faith Chapter

The local chapters of Reasonable Faith are strong and thriving gatherings of Believers committed to growth in Christian apologetics and effectiveness in the world.We are proud to currently have 75 nat...

What Is the Origin of Evil?

In April 2016, Dr. William Lane Craig was invited to Grace Presbyterian Church in Peoria, IL to speak at their annual missions conference. In this short excerpt, Dr. Craig answers a question concernin...

Why Don't the Epistles Quote Jesus More Frequently?

In April 2016, Dr. William Lane Craig was invited to Grace Presbyterian Church in Peoria, IL to speak at their annual missions conference. In this short excerpt, Dr. Craig answers a question concernin...

On Extra-Biblical Sources for Jesus' Post-Mortem Appearances

In April 2016, Dr. William Lane Craig was invited to Grace Presbyterian Church in Peoria, IL to speak at their annual missions conference. In this short excerpt, Dr. Craig answers a question concernin...

What Is the Relationship Between Apologetics and One's Personal Faith?

In April 2016, Dr. William Lane Craig was invited to Grace Presbyterian Church in Peoria, IL to speak at their annual missions conference. In this short excerpt, Dr. Craig answers a question concernin...

Do Debates Bring People to Christ?

In April 2016, Dr. William Lane Craig was invited to Grace Presbyterian Church in Peoria, IL to speak at their annual missions conference. In this short excerpt, Dr. Craig answers a question regarding...

Is Blind Faith Better Than Belief Based on Evidence?

In April 2016, Dr. William Lane Craig was invited to Grace Presbyterian Church in Peoria, IL to speak at their annual missions conference. In this short excerpt, Dr. Craig answers a question concernin...

Jonah & Jesus: Three Days and Nights?

In April 2016, Dr. William Lane Craig was invited to Grace Presbyterian Church in Peoria, IL to speak at their annual missions conference. In this short excerpt, Dr. Craig answers a question concernin...

If an Unbeliever Dies for Someone Else, How Can God Send That Person to Hell?

In April 2016, Dr. William Lane Craig was invited to Grace Presbyterian Church in Peoria, IL to speak at their annual missions conference. In this short excerpt, Dr. Craig answers a question concernin...