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Dr. William Lane Craig on Extraterrestrials

For more resources from Reasonable Faith visit: http://www.reasonablefaith.org In March 2016, Dr. William Lane Craig went on a 16-day speaking trip to Singapore and Hong Kong. In both places a two-day...

What About Moral Values Advocated By Other Religions?

For more resources from Reasonable Faith visit: http://www.reasonablefaith.org In March 2016, Dr. William Lane Craig went on a 16-day speaking trip to Singapore and Hong Kong. In both places a two-day...

The Ontological Argument

View the Kalam Cosmological Argument animation video: http://youtu.be/6CulBuMCLg0
View the Fine Tuning Argument animation video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UpIiI...
View the Moral Argu...

Three Reasons Why the Cause of the Universe Must Be Personal

In the award-winning film The Theory of Everything, the young Stephen Hawking describes cosmology as a religion for intelligent atheists. The film then explores the theological implications of two cos...

How Should We Interpret Genesis 1?

In the award-winning film The Theory of Everything, the young Stephen Hawking describes cosmology as a religion for intelligent atheists. The film then explores the theological implications of two cos...

Two Ways Something Can Be Without a Beginning or End

In the award-winning film The Theory of Everything, the young Stephen Hawking describes cosmology as a religion for intelligent atheists. The film then explores the theological implications of two cos...

Are Faith & Religion Compatible with Science?

In the award-winning film The Theory of Everything, the young Stephen Hawking describes cosmology as a religion for intelligent atheists. The film then explores the theological implications of two cos...

Has the Big Bang Been Scientifically Proven?

In the award-winning film The Theory of Everything, the young Stephen Hawking describes cosmology as “a religion for intelligent atheists.” The film then explores ...

Does the Multiverse Avoid a Cosmic Beginning?

In the award-winning film The Theory of Everything, the young Stephen Hawking describes cosmology as “a religion for intelligent atheists.” The film then explores ...

How Should We Use the Bible in Evangelism?

For more resources from Reasonable Faith visit: http://www.reasonablefaith.org In March 2016, Dr. William Lane Craig went on a 16-day speaking trip to Singapore and Hong Kong. In both places a two-day...