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How Should We Think about Faith and What Is the Role of Evidence?

In February 2015, Dr William Lane Craig visited Rutgers University in New Jersey at the invitation of the campus Christian group Ratio Christi. He gave an evening lecture on the subject â€&...

How Does One Determine What a Great Making Property Is?

In February 2015, Dr William Lane Craig visited Rutgers University in New Jersey at the invitation of the campus Christian group Ratio Christi. He gave an evening lecture on the subject â€&...

How Does One Determine What a Great Making Property Is?

In February 2015, Dr William Lane Craig visited Rutgers University in New Jersey at the invitation of the campus Christian group Ratio Christi. He gave an evening lecture on the subject â€&...

How Can God Providentially Direct A World of Free Creatures?

In February 2015, Dr William Lane Craig visited Rutgers University in New Jersey at the invitation of the campus Christian group Ratio Christi. He gave an evening lecture on the subject â€&...

Is It Possible for an Infinite Number of Past Events to Exist?

 In February 2015, Dr William Lane Craig visited Rutgers University in New Jersey at the invitation of the campus Christian group Ratio Christi. He gave an evening lecture on the subject â&...

William Lane Craig on the Moving Spotlight Theory of Time

In February 2015, Dr William Lane Craig visited Rutgers University in New Jersey at the invitation of the campus Christian group Ratio Christi. He gave an evening lecture on the subject â€&...

Does Belief In Christ Produce A Historical Bias In Favor of the Resurrection?

In February 2015, Dr William Lane Craig visited Rutgers University in New Jersey at the invitation of the campus Christian group Ratio Christi. He gave an evening lecture on the subject â€&...

Does Dr. Craig Misrepresent The BGV Theorem?

In February 2015, Dr William Lane Craig visited Rutgers University in New Jersey at the invitation of the campus Christian group Ratio Christi. He gave an evening lecture on the subject â€&...

Dr. Craig on the Existential Longing for Perfect Moral Goodness

In February 2015, Dr William Lane Craig visited Rutgers University in New Jersey at the invitation of the campus Christian group Ratio Christi. He gave an evening lecture on the subject "The Existence...

How Do You Distinguish Between Concrete and Abstract Objects?

Defenders is Dr William Lane Craig's weekly Sunday school class on Christian doctrine and apologetics. This video is from the Doctrine of God Part 3: Platonism. Be sure to check out more doctrines...