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05 / 06

Is There Extrabiblical Evidence About Jesus' Life?

In 2001, John Ankerberg interviewed William Lane Craig on on the subject of, "Jesus of Nazareth." In the interview, Dr Craig was asked a number of questions about the historicity of Jesus, the evidenc...

What Is the Connection Between the Facts of History and True Faith?

In 2001, John Ankerberg interviewed William Lane Craig on on the subject of, "Jesus of Nazareth." In the interview, Dr Craig was asked a number of questions about the historicity of Jesus, the evidenc...

Did Jesus Make Statements that Suggest He Was More than Just An Ordinary Man?

In 2001, John Ankerberg interviewed William Lane Craig on on the subject of, "Jesus of Nazareth." In the interview, Dr Craig was asked a number of questions about the historicity of Jesus, the evidenc...

What Kind of Evidence Is Historical Evidence?

In 2001, John Ankerberg interviewed William Lane Craig on on the subject of, "Jesus of Nazareth." In the interview, Dr Craig was asked a number of questions about the historicity of Jesus, the evidenc...

Do the New Testament Documents Give Any Evidence for the Possibility of Miracles Occurring?

In 2001, John Ankerberg interviewed William Lane Craig on on the subject of, "Jesus of Nazareth." In the interview, Dr Craig was asked a number of questions about the historicity of Jesus, the evidenc...

Could the Post Resurrection Appearances of Jesus Be Merely Hallucination Experiences?

In 2001, John Ankerberg interviewed William Lane Craig on on the subject of, "Jesus of Nazareth." In the interview, Dr Craig was asked a number of questions about the historicity of Jesus, the evidenc...

Is Jesus the Only Way to God?

In 2001, John Ankerberg interviewed William Lane Craig on on the subject of, "Jesus of Nazareth." In the interview, Dr Craig was asked a number of questions about the historicity of Jesus, the evidenc...

What Happened to the Disciples That Transformed Them into Avid Witnesses for Christ?

In 2001, John Ankerberg interviewed William Lane Craig on on the subject of, "Jesus of Nazareth." In the interview, Dr Craig was asked a number of questions about the historicity of Jesus, the evidenc...

How Do You Move Beyond Generic Theism to Christian Theism?

In February 2015, Dr William Lane Craig visited Rutgers University in New Jersey at the invitation of the campus Christian group Ratio Christi. He gave an evening lecture on the subject "The Existence...

Mining for God | Is Science the Only Path to Knowledge?

In 2015 Dr William Lane Craig was interviewed in the documentary: Mining for God. This provocative documentary takes us deep within the American mind and brings to the surface the big ideas that have ...