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05 / 06

Are You a Realist about Properties?

In November 2013 Dr William Lane Craig traveled to the United Kingdom to be a part of the C. S. Lewis Memorial Conference and Service. He also gave a lecture at Oriel College of Oxford University to t...

Platonism vs Divine Conceptualism

In November 2013 Dr William Lane Craig traveled to the United Kingdom to be a part of the C. S. Lewis Memorial Conference and Service. He also gave a lecture at Oriel College of Oxford University to t...

Are Moral Values Abstract Objects?

In November 2013 Dr William Lane Craig traveled to the United Kingdom to be a part of the C. S. Lewis Memorial Conference and Service. He also gave a lecture at Oriel College of Oxford University to t...

What Does 'Nothing' Mean?

In the full podcast, Dr. Craig discusses two debates he had with the late Dr, Victor Stenger which included the concept of 'nothing', the Ontological Argument, multiple universes, and evidence...

Does a Multiverse Explain the Fine Tuning of the Universe?

In the full podcast, Dr. Craig discusses two debates he had with the late Dr, Victor Stenger which included the concept of 'nothing', the Ontological Argument, multiple universes, and evidence...

The Moral Argument

The Kalam Cosmological Argument animation video: http://youtu.be/6CulBuMCLg0View the Fine Tuning Argument animation video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UpIiI...View Leibniz’ Conti...

There Is Plenty of Evidence for God

In the full podcast, Dr. Craig discusses two debates he had with the late Dr, Victor Stenger which included the concept of 'nothing', the Ontological Argument, multiple universes, and evidence...

Do We Regard the Resurrection Narratives In the Gospels As Historically Credible?

In 2001, John Ankerberg interviewed William Lane Craig on on the subject of, "Jesus of Nazareth." In the interview, Dr Craig was asked a number of questions about the historicity of Jesus, the evidenc...

Did Greco Roman Myths About Dying and Rising Gods Influence the Gospel Accounts of the Resurrection?

In 2001, John Ankerberg interviewed William Lane Craig on on the subject of, "Jesus of Nazareth." In the interview, Dr Craig was asked a number of questions about the historicity of Jesus, the evidenc...

Is There Extrabiblical Evidence About Jesus' Life?

In 2001, John Ankerberg interviewed William Lane Craig on on the subject of, "Jesus of Nazareth." In the interview, Dr Craig was asked a number of questions about the historicity of Jesus, the evidenc...