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05 / 06

Dr. Craig Counters deGrasse Tyson on Demon Possession

Dr. Craig responds to a video clip of Neil deGrasse Tyson.

How Did Jesus, Paul, & Second Temple Culture View Adam?

Dr. Craig shares his primary alteration to the traditional view of Adam.

Is an Infinite Past Logically Absurd?

Alex J. O'Connor, aka. (The) Cosmic Skeptic, questions Dr. Craig regarding the finitude of the past.

William Lane Craig's Response to Hitchens on Identifying a Miracle

Dr. Craig responds to a video clip of Christopher Hitchens.

What Hope Does the Atonement Offer for Justice in the World?

Dr. Craig addresses our desire for justice, God's wrath, and why the death of Christ is relevant.

How Do You Square God Being All-Loving with "Christian Exclusivism"?

Dr. Craig responds to staff of Southern Evangelical Seminary who critique his view of God's simplicity.

What's the Problem with Actual Infinites?

Alex J. O'Connor, aka. (The) Cosmic Skeptic, ask Dr. Craig about actual vs. potential infinites and why it matters....

The (Un)Reasonableness of Mathematics

Reasonable Faith and Avoid Project team up another cinematic short film. This time, Dr. Craig explains the baffling universal framework that is "mathematics."...

How Can One Coordinate Both the Scientific & Biblical Data on a Historical Adam?

Dr. Craig summarizes his conclusion on his Adam studies.

How Can One Philosophically Assert that the Universe Began to Exist?

Alex J. O'Connor, aka. (The) Cosmic Skeptic, ask Dr. Craig about premise #2 of the Kalam Cosmological Argument....