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05 / 06

Isn't the Afterlife with God an Actual Infinite?

Alex J. O'Connor, aka. (The) Cosmic Skeptic, challenges Dr. Craig regarding God's nature and the afterlife....

A Special Christmas Greeting from William Lane Craig - 2021

Merry Christmas! We pray you experience a joyous and meaningful Advent season.

What is the Most Persistent Objection to the Fine-Tuning Argument?

Dr. Craig and Dr. Frank Turek discuss the most common objections to the fine tuning argument from both lay and academic audiences!...

How Can the Church Handle Dissenting Views on Adam?

Dr. Craig discusses the importance of the Church's response to various biblical perspectives on the historical Adam and Eve....

Jordan Peterson's View of Jesus!

Dr. Craig examines Jordan Peterson's comments on the person of Jesus!

Can Atheism Account for Real-World Morality?

Dr. Craig and Dr. Frank Turek discuss atheistic systems of morality, including the works of Richard Dawkins, Erik Wielenberg, and Sam Harris!...

Is It Possible to Know God?

For more information visit: www.reasonablefaith.org/newbeliever

Correcting Carlin's Caricature of God

Dr. Craig responds to a video clip of comedian George Carlin.

Does Population Genetics Show That Adam & Eve Didn't Exist?

In this interview with Justin Brierley, Dr. Craig and Dr. Swamidass discuss the possibility of a historical Adam and Eve given current research on population genetics!...

Are there Archaeological Signatures of Neanderthal Cognition?

Dr. Craig provides important examples of archaeological discoveries that demonstrate the cognitive capacity of neanderthals....