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The Beego

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[Forum] Transition in progress... TO "EQUIP"
« on: March 28, 2023, 11:37:02 AM »
TL;DR: We've moved to a new site! Please join us over on EQUIP!


<<<<<<For the gist of what's going on, just skim and read the bold parts!>>>>>>

I'm really sorry about the last couple of days if you've been wondering why you can't post.

The time has come for the 'update' I've been crying wolf about for so long!!

I say 'update' in quotation marks because it's not so much a transition so much as a migration.

The decision was made to simply archive the current boards and make the switch to the Equip platform to serve as our new forum hub.

Unfortunately, the process for this has been messy, as the system underlying the current forum is...unintuitive, to say the least (which is probably no surprise for those accustomed to our forum experience here!). As a result, we accidentally made this forum read-only without warning you all. Sorry about that.

Hopefully you've come back to check how our boards are doing and you're currently reading this, though!

So, here's the rub...

Unfortunately, there is really no way to do an actual migration of the accounts and information of our current users of this platform to the next, so you will have to manually create an Equip account. It's free (obviously) and easy, but it is something you'll have to do if you want to follow us to the Promised Land of the new forum experience.

Please note: your current account with all its history and posts and comments and messages will remain accessible here (in a read-only mode), and we are currently working on ways to 'reward' or 'signify' our OG forum users at the new location. This may involve titles, special profile pictures, board "points", or other account-associated items that we may be able to implement. We want to recognize and honor the many years--and tens of thousands of posts--that a ton of you have put into our site here and make sure this is visible to others in the new location as well. No promises as yet as to what exactly this will look like, but I CAN promise that something WILL be done for those who were involved on the OG forum first!

As you join the Equip platform, you'll notice it is essentially centered around the several 'courses' that methodically explore Dr. Craig's work with videos, articles, and quizzes. You do not have to interact with ANY of the courses on Equip in order to participate in the forum part of the site. Similar to the Reasonable Faith website, the forum is just one part of the Equip platform, but if it's the only part you wish to engage with, you can do that. It is found under the 'Groups' section (on the left-hand menu) and there is currently only one 'group' dedicated to the 'RF Forum'. For now, as we get settled in, we will use this group as the central board for all the conversations with plans to expand as needed. (e.g., There will likely be an 'off-topic' group added soon.) In addition, it's important to note that there ARE other 'groups' (i.e., boards) on the platform, as each individual course has a unique board attached to it--one for the Apologetics 101 course, one for the Kalam course, etc. So, if you want to see what conversations are going on associated with these specific focuses, you simply have to 'enroll' in that course and you'll get access to that group. (Note: you don't have to actually do anything in the course to get access to the associated group--you just click 'Enroll' and you'll be added to the group automatically.)

There are minimal features and functions on the new platform at this time, but I think you'll all agree that even this current iteration is indeed an upgrade--basic functionality, a polished UI, threads that are much easier to follow, actual (basic) text formatting built in, etc. We are working to add more features as we can to improve the experience, but I think we have a solid foundation for smoother and more user-friendly conversation to take place than what we've been working with on this site.

Sorry, I've made this post long, but I wanted to share a lot, as you can imagine.

You can reach me over on Equip with any questions, comments, complaints, or concerns. My name is the same there: @TheBeego (PMs work terrifically, and there is a functional, universal notification system that lets you know when you have a message! Wow, the future!)

Thank you all for bearing with me (and us) on this site for all these years, and during this odd transition period.
'Behold! we are not bound for ever to the circles of the world, and beyond them is more than memory.'

-Aragorn; The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien