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My Journey
« on: July 16, 2022, 03:15:57 PM »
Hello there. I wrote up my testimony some years ago and often update it.

My name is Jimmy Sperling. I am a Jewish person who came to faith in Yeshua in Eugene,
Oregon in December 1976.
I was brought up in a very secular environment.  I remember when I was very young, I went to Sabbath school at a Reform synagogue, but my mother withdrew me from there sometime after she divorced my father.  For a time, I was taken to a Christian church, but then she decided not to have anything to do with religion.  In later years she would refer to herself as a “plutocrat”, meaning she did not want to have anything to do with religion or politics.
In my ninth year, my mother had me institutionalized. This was a place called Parry Center for Children. After being there for a year or two I was allowed to go to a regular public school starting with the fifth grade.
I began to become politically aware in the eighth grade. Then, in my freshman year in high school, I discovered an organic food store (People’s Food Store in Portland, OR) and began volunteering to do shifts there. I also joined Friends of the Earth.

After my eighteenth birthday, I moved home with my mother and my two sisters. I lived at home for a year, then went into the Job Corps. I spent a year practicing pre-apprenticeship carpentry before I learned that I had the makings of an architect but made a lousy carpenter.
I came back to Oregon and moved out on my own after a month or two. I couldn’t find a job, so I spent most of 1976 being homeless. I dabbled with Buddhism for some time, made a little money during the summer, qualified for a Pell grant, and entered the University of Oregon in Eugene that fall.  Once again, I ran out of money and became homeless again.  During this time, I was helping out the Revolutionary Student Brigade on campus.
Towards the end of November, I was staying at the local mission when one day a man approached me and asked me if I wanted to join a white supremacy party. I responded that racism was a tool used to divide the workers of America against one another. He asked me if I was a socialist, and I responded that “If you mean to ask if I believe that our elected leaders don’t really run the country, then, yes, I’m a socialist”.  He left very angrily.  About half an hour later a mission staff member told me that I had to leave.
That night I went to a halfway house (a ministry of Faith Center in Eugene and
NOT affiliated with Shiloh Youth Revival Centers) and the next night I went to a Wednesday night service and there dedicated my life to God.
In the spring of 1977, the pastor of my house recommended that I join Shiloh. I
eventually went to the Portland house and all that summer and fall was struggling with an
articulation of Jewish identity and faith in Yeshua. I was helped in my quest by the current
house pastor, who had a copy of LAMB's first album. I also began a quest through the
prophets of Israel and Judah to see if some of the particular eschatological doctrines
taught in Shiloh had Biblical sanction. In mid-1977, a new house pastor took over in
Portland who was antagonistic to Jewish issues. The kicker came when I went to a local
concert by the Liberated Wailing Wall, a Jews for Jesus ministry. I brought home copies of
the Jews for Jesus Newsletter. When the house pastor found them, he exploded, "If I find
any more of this stuff here, I'm going to kick you out!"

I had started working there at the tree nursery that we had a contract with, but I was fired
the first day basically for witnessing on the job. For several months I tried working out of
a temp agency (to no avail), then got a swing shift job working in a Troutdale window
assembly plant. I saw the other people in the house only occasionally during the week
except for the kitchen staff. I enjoyed (and still enjoy) cooking tremendously and
prepared many Ashkenazic foods for house consumption. This apparently did not set well
with the new pastor, who was just fine with Mexican foods, but somehow making chicken
soup or bagels was being "UNDER THE LAW".

That fall, I moved to the Eugene house to plant trees, where I was seriously injured. After
recuperating, I was sent to the South Lake Tahoe house in December 1977. At first things
were OK because we had a laid-back house pastor, but after about six months he got
married and gave up his position. That was just about the time that Shiloh imploded, and
who should take over at the South Lake Tahoe house but the former house pastor of the
Portland house -- the Chicano anti-Semite! I had similar unfortunate experiences there
dealing with my faith and culture. One evening a non-Messianic Jewish person visited
and, accompanied by a house deacon I spent half an hour telling him why I thought
Yeshua was the Messiah foretold in our Scriptures. Suddenly the deacon blurted out
something offensive. The man went away. The deacon then turned to me and said, "From
now on, Jim, just witness from the New Testament." When I objected, he slapped his hand
on my shoulder and shouted, "JIM, RECEIVE IT!!!" Sometime later, I made hot pastrami
sandwiches for the house. This same brother later said, "Jim, I think you are `under the
law'". This while at the same time a visiting Chicano sister is teaching us to make flour
tortillas from scratch.

Sometime in October 1978 I went to a neighborhood store and started looking at porno
magazines. Another brother caught me there and turned me in to the house pastor. He
took me aside and said that I was not suited to communal living and set up a deal so that I
could move out into an apartment on my own in December of that year.

Basically, in this ministry I learned to be a "closeted Jew". Being Jewish was something to
be ashamed of in this ministry and I believe that it did me psychological damage that
came out in sexual matters (obsession with porn, etc.).

I also have come to believe that the breaking up of this ministry was the judgment of God
upon its manifestly anti-Semitic doctrines (to wit, Jerusalem is Babylon the Great, the
Magen David is the symbol of Molech, etc., which I found to be contradicted by the entire
contents of the books of the Jewish Prophets) and its profoundly personality cult-like
teachings (no Bible but the KJV, no contact with any other Christian groups (a perversion
of I Corinthians 12:14-26, ie, other ministries or denominations are "other parts of the
Body" and that we should have nothing to do with them), never having communion
because of fear that someone might eat or drink in an unworthy manner (a perversion of I
Corinthians 11:27-32 -- I think that during my sojourn from March 1977 until December
1978, we had communion ONE time); the process of having group prayer meetings when
somebody was expelled from the house and some leader in the meeting proceeding to
announce while we were praying that "I deliver so-and-so to Satan for the destruction of
his flesh", which was a perversion of I Corinthians 5:4,5 and really seemed to be a fascist
means of keeping the body in line. It certainly made me very fearful of expressing
anything contrary to the "conventional wisdom". Also, the way people came back from
the six-month Bible class was disheartening. They seemed to have been spoon-fed the
denominational eschatology to such a degree that they did not approach the Bible with
intellectual honesty (in other words, they read the Bible in order to prove what they already
believed, NOT to see what the Bible said for itself).

Here is a quote from Don Finto's book "Your People Shall Be My People":
Liebe Don Finto: Liest du die Bibel, um zu sehen, was die Bibel sagt, oder liest du sie nur,
eine Predigt vorzubereiten? "Dear Don Finto: do you read the Bible in order to see what
the Bible says for itself, or do you read it just to prepare a sermon?"
After moving out on my own I encountered some apparently Christian waitresses at Harrah’s Tahoe.  It turned out that they were associated with The Way International.  I was associated with that group until 1983.
In that year I went far downhill, losing my job and becoming homeless again for most of the year.  I finally found a “room and board” and got a job washing dishes at the end of 1983.
I entered Lake Tahoe Community College in the spring of 1985, taking an occasional history or humanities class and taking up instruction on the piano, and continued this until the fall of 1988.
In the fall of 1988, I sinned grievously and was prosecuted. I pled guilty and was sentenced to six years in prison.  With time off for good behavior, I spent three years in prison. During that time I began corresponding with Artis Clotfelter, a Jewish missionary.
When I came out of prison in 1992, Artis and her husband helped me get set up in Placerville. I had some ups and downs that year – got and then lost a couple of jobs very quickly, became homeless for a while, and got established in a new church.  That church suffered a split when the pastor became Orthodox and wanted everybody to join him. I went on Social Security disability in the winter of 1994, and until the spring of 1997 lived in the same place.
In 1999 the church joined New Covenant Ministries International and got a new pastor. He totally revised the church leadership.
In the spring of 1998, I spent some time in county jail. I then got reestablished and lived at one place until 2004, completing my AA degree in 2001 and transferring to Sacramento State.  I went to that school from the fall of 2001 to the spring of 2004, aiming at a double major in History and Asian Studies. I then lost my house and got booted out of school. That spring I discovered Beth Yeshua Messianic Congregation when I went to their annual Passover Seder.
From 2004 to 2006, I lived in a board-and-care house, chafing greatly under the restrictions there.  I started over in the Los Rios system.  In 2006 I moved to a room-and-board in Sacramento and mostly have had a better time of it.
Currently, I have considerable involvement at St. Stephen AME Zion Church, studying towards obtaining a license as an Exhorter.  I studied at Sacramento City College from the fall of 2006 to the spring of 2011 for degrees in Art and Graphic Communications and became a fan of the Mac and became proficient at Adobe Photoshop and Dreamweaver.
I am currently engaged in several hobbies. I study Hebrew and Talmudic, Messianic and Biblical hermeneutics, and apologetics as part of my studies. I read incessantly, studying history, philosophy, and comparative religions.  As part of Larry Bond’s Admiralty Trilogy R & D staff, I compile data on old ships and aircraft in order to integrate them as new platforms for that system and writing new scenarios (my current projects are separate comprehensive listings of civil aircraft and obscure military aircraft of the era). I write an occasional historical article or wargame scenario (some of which have been published in our journal, The Naval SITREP), I dabble in amateur photography, I enjoy Mediterranean and West Asian/North African cookery, and I collect books, audiobooks, and eBooks (now including a comprehensive Messianic Jewish and Christian research library). I have volunteered occasionally with Sacramento Food Not Bombs preparing and serving free meals to the public.

Re: My Journey
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2022, 12:17:25 PM »
Thanks for sharing!

That must have been extremely difficult.

I am sorry to hear that you have been around so many Anti-Semitic people. That likely caused many problems for you that you didn't even mention. Christians have historically been terrible to Jewish people. I feel ashamed of that fact because, as the Bible says, "Salvation is from the Jews."

It is awesome that you have gained some success in your life. I want to applaud you for not giving up. But know the most important thing possible in this life is your relationship with Messiah Yeshua. He is gracious to forgive us of our sins if we confess them to Him.

I am sorry to hear about your struggles with life. But my God is a God of second chances.

Praying for you.