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receiving my faith
« on: September 11, 2021, 05:06:28 PM »
        You have said repeatedly that you received your faith a few weeks ago. So how did that happen? What lead you to Jesus? Are you comfortable sharing your story?

Thank you for asking;

I received my faith - about 6 or 7 weeks ago. Dont remember exactly. I did not believe god existed. It was completely impossoble for my brain to accept it. Im 50 years old - never in my life did I think I would ever believe in God. I looked at christans as a bit stupid - to be honest. I would go to extremes to avoid them.

Then - one day, sitting in my apartment watching something on youtube. Dont remember what, i was changed. All of a sudden it was like "somerting" opened up my mind.

And i realized God is REAL !
Jesus is the biggest love in the univers.

I opened websites with online church meetings, thing i hated before - was now the most beautiful things i ever saw...

Music i hated before - now made me cry. Love from somewhere, filled me over and over.

I say that I receive my faith - because it was litterally like something / someone just gave it to me - out of nowhere.

And it was not just some kind of idea - or interest or understanding. It was like a brain surgery just removed the big tumor in my head blocking me from thinking or seing stuff.

I was alone at home.

Everything i look at, now looks different. And i know - for sure. With 100% assurance - that God is real.

I received my faith - i dont have to walk in fear and darknes anymore. Its a gift that God all of a sudden just gave me.

Why ? I have no idea.

I have been suffering more and more problems, over the last few years. Remember thinking a few times - that if god is real hevwould be a sadistic shitt bag for allowing all the suffering.

So no - there was nothing in my life that remotely indicated that i would accept God. Quite the opposit i would say. I received my faith at a time when i was as convinced that God could not exist - as I have ever been in my life.

Then - out of nowhere - the veil or fog was lifted, and I could see the truth - for the first time.

More that 50 years old.
I still cant fully understand how its even possible.

Me - out of all people -
Believe in God.
God can do it - he can do anything.

« Last Edit: September 11, 2021, 05:08:03 PM by Berga »
“I never came upon any of my discoveries through the process of rational thinking.”

— Albert Einstein



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Re: receiving my faith
« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2021, 10:17:30 AM »
I know of cases of this happening. I hope it sticks. Faith is a marathon. Blessings to you for having the gumption to change course.