Filip Prsic

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One moment I was Christian, and now I am not anymore
« on: August 03, 2021, 09:13:20 AM »
Several months ago, I had what I believed is a called a religious experience. After intense thinking about questions concerning God, Christianity and so forth, my heart suddenly started getting filled with warmth in a very special, profound way. My conviction that the Christian God was real skyrocketed to 100%. There was no doubt in my mind that Christianity was true. Belief in God became an integrated part of my reality. I knew it was true just like I knew that the outside world was real.

But here's the problem, this feeling last only about one evening. It was gone the next day. I still considered myself Christian after that experience, but only for the next couple of months. Right now, I am back to skepticism.

So why was my experience such short-lived? Consider the fact that I felt great fear when this experience happened to me. This might be for several reasons. First, I always greatly feared God and I've suffered from religious OCD since forever. So now that I became 100% sure that God existed, I think it's clear that I would become extremely afraid not to even think something sinful. But also, I have to admit that I feared the great responsibility that I felt was on my shoulders now that I became a Christian, that I had to live a life filled with self-denial and so forth. But don't be so quick as to jumpy to the conclusion that I drew God away because I wanted to live an immoral life because it really might not be true (but it might, I am considering that possibility).

About a week ago I kneeled and prayed to God that He show me the truth. I believe I will eventually figure out the truth if it's humanly possible. But anyway, I am interested to hear what you think about all of this.



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Re: One moment I was Christian, and now I am not anymore
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2021, 10:08:36 AM »
Several months ago, I had what I believed is a called a religious experience. After intense thinking about questions concerning God, Christianity and so forth, my heart suddenly started getting filled with warmth in a very special, profound way. My conviction that the Christian God was real skyrocketed to 100%. There was no doubt in my mind that Christianity was true. Belief in God became an integrated part of my reality. I knew it was true just like I knew that the outside world was real.

But here's the problem, this feeling last only about one evening. It was gone the next day. I still considered myself Christian after that experience, but only for the next couple of months. Right now, I am back to skepticism.

So why was my experience such short-lived? Consider the fact that I felt great fear when this experience happened to me. This might be for several reasons. First, I always greatly feared God and I've suffered from religious OCD since forever. So now that I became 100% sure that God existed, I think it's clear that I would become extremely afraid not to even think something sinful. But also, I have to admit that I feared the great responsibility that I felt was on my shoulders now that I became a Christian, that I had to live a life filled with self-denial and so forth. But don't be so quick as to jumpy to the conclusion that I drew God away because I wanted to live an immoral life because it really might not be true (but it might, I am considering that possibility).

About a week ago I kneeled and prayed to God that He show me the truth. I believe I will eventually figure out the truth if it's humanly possible. But anyway, I am interested to hear what you think about all of this.

The natural mind resists God. If there were a huge supernatural miracle in the world, there would be silence for quite some time by the skeptic community (perhaps). But, after a while the natural mind would start to eat away at the notion that something exists which is not natural and they would slowly begin to reject it -- even if it meant the most absurd natural explanation. That's just how the natural mind works. What you are perhaps experiencing is the power of your natural mind eating away at whatever belief you had for such a short time.



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Re: One moment I was Christian, and now I am not anymore
« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2022, 08:58:45 AM »
I come from being an atheist whom God answered one night.  It was a sure experience I won't go into here, however the feeling didn't last. After that I simply pursued God then for what truth was.  Again no feelings except when I thought T.M. was something I should try again by which I got a strong (kind of like a electric shock NO, WRONG WAY signal from God:)  So I continued to pursue and He first began to take apart the "science" of evolution, then other things that led me to read the gospels for myself. No feelings, other than I would have liked to have known Jesus, but didn't know how that worked, until one night I finally had to Trust Him.  I knew then something happened, but the feeling doesn't last.  I had to learn to "walk by faith, not by sight" and doing so, the Lord has shown me many things since.  I hope this helps.  I think most go through a "roller coaster" ride in the beginning.  By faith simply tell the Lord your desire, and leave it to Him.