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Nature of God

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A Qualified Theologian
« on: August 11, 2020, 09:01:16 AM »
It stands to reason that unless one can think authentically about a selfless individual, one is not qualified to think about God. The quickest way to expose this truth is to consider money. Christians conceive they are fit to enter Heaven and to dwell among the angels there, so we ask them, “Is there money in Heaven?” to which they are forced to respond, “No.” However they conceive falsely that this is because there is an ample supply of everything, sans work, which they detest. Instead there is no money because the angels fulfill Jesus’ requirement of noble people worthy of Him, to love one another. To ask for money is a slap in the face of friendship. It is exploitation of another’s need. To see this imagine you are in Heaven and want to go for a boat ride, in the cosmic springs. The boat is right there sitting idly, but the owner of the boat says, “No ride for you. Get money first. Give me the thing that I value, before I’ll relinquish and let you have a little joy. Don’t make the mistake of thinking I am the type of person who wants to see you joyful.”

This is a selfish individual, namely, every man on Earth. In fact Christians are so selfish they never conduct thought experiments such as this, wondering how the angels live and boasting they can try to make a match (a form of pride God would appreciate, to be sure). The Christians conceive there is one step to God from man, but in fact there are an infinite number of steps, and the first to which they should aspire is to see a selfless individual. After that they may try to think about angels, and only after that, about God. And this is the trouble of the human God-concept, they conceive God is like themselves only more powerful, as one might say, a “big Ape in the Sky.” The Old Testament plays right into this superstition, portraying a jealous, vindictive, cold and mechanical Deity, pleased by “sacrifices” while paying no heed to the quality or virtue in the people’s lives.

Getting back to the topic, if you can envision a person who will thrive without money, whose motivation for everyday labor is the joy of those this labor serves (and with whom the insertion of money would interfere as this amounts to little more than an act of counting), only then could you possibly claim to begin to understand God’s benediction in forming a world and supporting its creatures. Such a selfless one derives meaning from his friendships, that he has seen the other souls and found ways to support their joys, as God does. He can be called a helper of God, and I’d dare say the angels even assay to be called co-creators with the Deity, taking responsibility for the world they encounter and using their powers to further the Lord’s purposes. If you take money from a human he can no longer operate, for he sees no value in the others besides what he can get from them. As such ones attempt theological musing, it’s an act of raw imagination fueled by selfish passions. Theology has thus not yet risen above man’s fascination with himself.