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God Isn’t Dead, Only Religion
« on: March 14, 2019, 10:11:10 AM »
My latest insight appears to be key to reducing Christianity to rubble, that their claims to goodness, salvation, or even belief in Jesus depend on them not killing Jesus again, whereas it is certain they would. The Holy Spirit betrays them, so they won't “magically know” when He's near, and their priests make no efforts in this direction.

All Christian services then become, "This is the God we'd prefer to kill," i.e. not coming far enough out of their admitted state of sinfulness to cease from murdering the Creator (or future generations that He'd protect). Moses should have said, "Thou shalt not kill Me, when I appear."

The trouble is that despite arrogant claims to personal relationships with God, the Lord isn't "real" to any Christian. They may laugh about blue-skinned Krishna, that seems a bit cartoonish, but in fact their mental models for Jesus are the same. He's a myth, not a living Person.

Christianity is therefore a process of "subscribing to the myth," along channels the church has declared, driven by priests seeking power along lines parallel with the Pharisees. For the actual Jesus to show up ruins the myth, which they imagine to be justification for their greed.

It can be pushed farther. The Christians will swear they wouldn’t kill Jesus, but they will admit they would kill any person claiming to have been Jesus, without taking it seriously one moment or asking a single question. It proves they do not truly long to listen to the Lord, and do not really accept that the Creator can appear in a human body, i.e. that “Jesus is Lord.”

Jesus warned about this, saying, “As you do unto the least of these, so do you unto me,” knowing full well humans seeing His divine traits would presume Him to be of no importance. He also said there’d be weeping and gnashing of teeth, as those believing themselves saved are turned back. “Many will say in that day, ‘Lord, Lord.’” Two billion say it.


Triple Scooby

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Re: God Isn’t Dead, Only Religion
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2019, 10:54:22 AM »
Are many Christians insincere?  It seems so.  Are none sincere and repentant  followers of Christ?  You think that sincere repentant followers of Christ won't know Him or follow Him, but will seek to destroy Him?

Do you see yourself as a sincere repentant follower of Christ?



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Re: God Isn’t Dead, Only Religion
« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2019, 04:07:34 PM »
Are many Christians insincere?  It seems so.  Are none sincere and repentant  followers of Christ?  You think that sincere repentant followers of Christ won't know Him or follow Him, but will seek to destroy Him?

Do you see yourself as a sincere repentant follower of Christ?
The Pharisees did not have the perspective of knowing their discourse would be mocked by future generations, nor do the Christians realize they are exact images of the Pharisees. Was it exciting to be on-line the moment Jesus was confronting them, or was it dangerous? The Pharisee type will ask a question with a secret purpose of harming you.

I have indeed begun to declare an “official end” to the chance a Christian would respond to Christ at the Second Coming, because an adult who believes in those weird miracles and formulaic claims must be beyond the reach of truth or logic, dwelling in a kind of fairyland of raw imagination. Christians long for Heaven, but not really to meet the Lord.

Christ didn’t give us anything to follow. He only pointed down dangerous and futile roads. A more sophisticated Jesus would’ve instructed His followers to keep silent in the midst of fools, rather than trumpeting what they thought distinguished them as a religion and facing martyrdom. It is really a lot more challenging knowing truth and staying safe.