1. That Mary, the mother of the incarnated Son of God [ Jesus the Christ ], conceived of the baby Jesus in her womb, is of natural process;
2. But the cause of her conception is supernatural.
3. Principle: Supernatural Providence encompasses natural existence.
4. Presupposition: Supernaturalism = Theism



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2. But the cause of her conception is supernatural.
Now that we know about DNA, we know that for the Holy Spirit to have impregnated Mary would’ve required the instantaneous creation of the sperm or male chromosomes within her womb. If God had this power, it means all evolution could’ve been bypassed, by which extremely simple cells, which arguably He must have made, slowly became the complex eukaryotes we see today. The miracle of the loaves and fishes is similarly disproved, because to create a fish from nothing would’ve allowed God to bypass evolution, that the fossil record shows us He could not do. The miracles are mere myths.

Interestingly, although the Christians also know about DNA and evolution, their minds have not been integrated enough to notice what I’m pointing out today. So as one of the first to encounter it, perhaps you can tell me the flaws you see. I’d argue that the idea of the virgin birth is only useful among body-identified mortals, unable to appreciate the personality. Jesus had to be set apart some way they could understand, before they’d go to church. Instead read in a personal light the Gospels show us that Jesus must have been a tragically lonely figure, knowing Himself to be God and therefore not socially compatible with creatures, including angels. It is the differences of Jesus that define Him.

Interesting! I've just read of your reply, Jaycie, tonight (Phil; 8:18PM). Pondering over it. No engaging for the moment. Let me think more of it... And, of course, thank you!



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Unfortunately the human mind lives and breathes by superstition, attempting to assert force in all the directions it can conceive, even when these directions are imaginary. The religions were steeped in superstition, and men loved it. Now try to tell them that there are no devils except those driving around in SUVs, there are no ghosts and the miracles of the Bible were all false! Even those claiming to embrace science still secretly pray their superstitions will hold weight. Men want things the way they want them to be, not the way they really are. They’re sure that if there’s a spiritual realm, they’ll be at the center and wielding the most power. Instead it’s as Jesus said, the new man must be born.

In many ways the miracles of Moses are more instructive than those of Jesus, because Moses is able to sway the people, but they are nevertheless portrayed as dripping with animosity, which is the real lesson from the Old Testament. They’re ready to come and murder Moses until he pulls another trick out of his sleeve, clearly raising the question of whether those individuals were worth saving! You use the term “supernatural,” but God and nature are far more thickly mixed than people have supposed, many of the things we take for granted having His secret living support. The shocking thing is that the real miracles of great planet and fantastic bodies, are not enough to impress the weak in spirit.