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Nature of God

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Finite godism?
« on: July 18, 2017, 06:13:44 PM »
I appreciate WLCs answer in the question of the week about God's superlative attributes....

Your theological bent emerges in your final paragraph: you prefer some sort of limited deity, such as is featured in open theism, over the omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent God of traditional theism. But I don’t find any of the arguments for such limitations convincing (see my book The Only Wise God). The biblical motifs you mention have plausibly to do with the pervasive anthropomorphism of scriptural discourse about God, lest you wind up with the humanoid deity featured, for example, in Mormonism

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I agree that Mormonism teaches finite godism/polytheism, but disagree that Open Theism teaches a limited Deity (should not be confused with finite godism).



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Re: Finite godism?
« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2019, 10:29:39 AM »
One of my first propositions a few decades ago was that God Has Limits. WLC appears to be circling around a false dilemma, since declaring limits for God does not necessarily anthropomorphize Him, unless the minds declaring are limited to humans as a model. Although at first it might seem heretical or blasphemous to wonder about God’s limits, the truth is just the opposite, for a limited God requires cooperation from the creatures, but creatures praising God as unlimited offend Him by exceeding these limits.

God’s powers are not increased by human boasting. A child may say, “My father can do anything,” and the human father feels flattered, but God sees an unresponsive ignoramus who is not helping. Generally, the presupposition God has no limits has meant the humans treat the resources as endless and the planet as disposable. Here is where I’ve tried to “officially” end any expectation of a Christian finding Christ at the Second Coming. An adult believing God makes worlds in a finger-snap is too benighted for hope.

Jesus said “the great” would refuse to come to the wedding feast, and my guess about this recently has been that only those who have begun to see the religions are at best fairytales, would be prepared for the new (and real) religion, with a solid existential paradigm, a description of the soul and its origin along with as its spiritual journey, etc. It seems one must be wise to gain more wisdom, or more of a real person to face the realities of a world. Or perhaps none come to the feast, God finding no one but sinners.