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Jesus prior to his earthly coming.
« on: May 24, 2017, 04:38:12 PM »
For I am the LORD your God

This quick quote in Isaiah, who is it speaking?

In a lot of the OT we see God speaking directly saying I am God, there is no other etc etc.

Now the Trinity states that God is one being, 3 persons. The Father is not the Son, the Son not the Father etc etc.

Who is speaking in the OT when God says I am the LORD your God, is it the Father, Jesus or the Holy Spirit.

God is spirit according to the text. So Jesus prior to coming to Earth was a spirit, and was God, and God is Spirit, and so I am assuming so is the Father, and no doubt the Holy Spirit. Does this mean God is 3 spirits or 1? If he is 3 spirits, which one is the one speaking when it says I am the LORD your God, is it Father, Son or Holy Spirit?

A personal question, when you yourself think towards God, who is it you focus on? The Father, Son or Holy Spirit?

Just some random thoughts.

"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear." Psalm 46:1-2

* Forum members please note:- Just because I ask you lots of questions, this does not mean I know something better. I am merely asking to seek clarification and arrive at truth the best I can


Aaron Massey

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Re: Jesus prior to his earthly coming.
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2017, 10:48:51 AM »
Im not a Trinitarian... but i think i can answer for them.

The father is not the son, the son is not the HS and the HS is not the Father.

Together they are God.   They would argue that in the OT, that say presumably the father was speaking he was speaking as God also on the part of the other persons of the trinity. 
The explanation is there... its just whether or not you buy into it as an explanation for the nature of God.

I was thinking to start a thread about how you personally see God/Jesus etc.. as well... to see how people viewed them day to day with there talking to God.

As for me..  I talk to Elohim....  And never to the Holy spirit... but he (god) does pour it out on to us...

Nearly always to Elohim, always recognising Jesus.  I tend to ask God Why! and What should i do next! and thank him for everything and all glory belongs to him...

  But when have moral dilemmas, temptations etc..  i am always thinking about Jesus Teachings and applying them as best i can... well thats a lie... not the best i can... i can do better.

 Im not asking God what to do in those senses, he has already told us through Jesus.... Jesus has already shown us the way, we only need to petition God through Recognising Jesus as our Lord and Saviour.  In Job it talks about Jesus being our Mediator between us and God. 
John 15:16
You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, he may give it to you.
I dont really talk or pray to Jesus directly at all.
Proverbs 8:30 "then I was beside him, like a master workman, and I was daily his delight, rejoicing before him always, rejoicing in his inhabited world and delighting in the children of man."



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Re: Jesus prior to his earthly coming.
« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2019, 10:01:54 AM »
When in the Old Testament we find the prophets writing things like this quote from Isaiah, “For I am the LORD your God,” these are generally to be interpreted as intentional psychological manipulations of the anticipated audience—if we are to credit the prophets with bearing genuine authority from God. This is how you introduce a God-concept to externalized minds unable to form such a concept on their own. It has to look and sound like something they are familiar with in their senses, so “father” was chosen. It’s that grumbling guy in the background who nevertheless is not watching too closely.

The prophets gave no metaphysical underpinnings, their intent to lead humans where humans could be led, not to really teach them. For men it is quite comfortable to imagine that God is right beside him or her, in fact each imagines that even while they go to war or oppose one another in business or other human enterprises. This is part of the sin or downfall of man, that his God-concept gets no farther than his own underarm, that he is sure God stands right beside him even as he hates the neighbor. The prophets allowed this, and the seemingly angry God from the Bible was only reinforcing human prejudice.

God can only be thought of as close, by people who lack self-possession, which is to say who have not attained mastery of the soul. The soul which possesses itself values its independence, and would be alarmed to find outside forces entering unbidden, as the Christians prattle about the Holy Spirit coming to life in them. To a soul with self-possession, God, and all others, have to be “over there,” apart, their own type of person. Finding that God is not within them, they will understand these old declarations by the prophets could not be the actual voice of God, but are the prophet’s intended projection.

Such souls are also able to identify the Lord because He does not have a soul. Knowing their own soul, they can see immediately the source of the Lord’s presence is not like their own source. This is the real way the disciples identified Jesus, and if you don’t think so go down to the docks some day and tell the fishermen to drop their nets for your sake! One way of putting it is that the souls have an internal driver, and the Lord has an external driver. The Lord is a projection of the Father’s Mind, to express His Personality.

Only the Son or Incarnation can speak for God, forever. The Father has no other Voice. The angels can watch some of the powers of the Holy Spirit at work among the humans, but they can have no direct experience of the Father—nor do they wish it, for this means a loss of autonomy they treasure as noble cosmic citizens. If God is to be worshipped, it can only be through the Son, and this worship increases in its beauty and truth as the soul becomes more and more aware the Son is God’s glorious face, presented upon His globe.