Reasonable Faith (Archived)

RF Moderators

Read 354 times


  • RF Moderator
  • *****
  • 376 Posts
PM to Neopolitan regarding Philip Rand.
« on: March 15, 2016, 08:45:05 PM »
Neo reported one of Rand's posts, stating that he doesn't want Rand banned, but can we please assist with what Neo referred to as "stalking", in spite of Neo asking that Rand does not interact with him.

Sent the following:

Hi Neopolitan,

Regarding your request, I have good news and bad news.

The bad news is that I do not believe it would be a reasonable use of my authority to order Philip to cease interacting with you on the forums.

The good news is, there is a handy feature built into the Simple Machines Forum platform that allows you to block Philip and all of his contributions from appearing on the forums when logged in as your account.

The steps to do this are as follows:

  • In the main menu, click on "Profile". This will load your profile as others see it.
  • Under the forum path (Reasonable Faith Forums >> Profile of Neopolitan >> Summary) you will see a second menu containing "Profile Info" and "Modify Profile".
  • Hover over the "Modify Profile" option, and then hover over "Buddies/Ignore List..." from the drop-down menu that will appear.
  • You can now select "Edit Ignore List".
  • Type the name of the account that you wish to block in the "search member" text box.
  • Select the name of the account from the drop-down menu that will appear as you type. This is critical, as you will not block an account if you simply type their name in the search field and press enter.
  • You should now no longer see posts or receive messages from that member.

Thank you for raising this issue with the moderation team, rather than initiating a public encounter, this assists our team greatly, while also contributing to the kind of forum culture we are working towards.

Kind regards,

Michael, aka Logos.
-Reasonable Faith Discussion Forum Moderator