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Steve B

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Re: Dr. Ben Carson Endorses Trump. . . but Why?
« Reply #15 on: March 14, 2016, 05:21:15 AM »

But Trump hasn't made any cogent proposals to actually change the rules. It's just, "Elect me, I'm rich and I self-fund."

You've been watching too much media bias.  Read Trump's book "the Art of the Deal."  He explains how he thinks.



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Re: Dr. Ben Carson Endorses Trump. . . but Why?
« Reply #16 on: March 14, 2016, 06:34:39 AM »
Ok, say DT gets the presidency, and at best he will be in office 8 years. You think he is going to change the rules of the game when he is going to have to go back out in the bussiness world and have to play by those rules and have to make deals with the very bussiness people he may have adversely affected?

It's muddled.  But I think I understand your question.  Here is Trump's answer:

No desire to watch a 50 minute, 25 year old video of DT discussing "Economic Recovery". Especially from the same year DT filled for Chapter 11.

« Last Edit: March 14, 2016, 07:14:21 AM by GotTheGift »
I post on the fly, so excuse any typos or grammatical errors.

"If the mass was just a meal, then the crucifixion was just an execution." -Scott Hahn


Steve B

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Re: Dr. Ben Carson Endorses Trump. . . but Why?
« Reply #17 on: March 14, 2016, 06:37:30 AM »

No desire to watch a 50 minute, 25 year old video of DT discussing Economic Recovery. Especially from the same year DT filled for Chapter 11.

oooooooohhhh.  Burn.   

But seriously.  All he did was dump bankrupt assets on the big banks who were responsible for the economic downturn in the first place.  So, really, this is yet another example of his genius.



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Re: Dr. Ben Carson Endorses Trump. . . but Why?
« Reply #18 on: March 14, 2016, 12:52:20 PM »
Seriously, what is with the clickbait?



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Re: Dr. Ben Carson Endorses Trump. . . but Why?
« Reply #19 on: March 14, 2016, 10:09:31 PM »
Redstate article with the title: Ben Carson: I Didn’t Want To Endorse Trump, But He Promised Me A Job



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Re: Dr. Ben Carson Endorses Trump. . . but Why?
« Reply #20 on: March 14, 2016, 10:20:39 PM »
Look.  I'm mad at Trump for some of the things he did to Carson.  But hey. . . American politics, throughout its entire history, has always been a nasty business.

Comparing someone to a child molester nasty? I don't think so.

Carson will be offered the US Secretary of Education position if DT wins. Wonder what the chapter on evolution will look like in our public school's biology textbooks under his leadership?

I am being playful. of course. Kinda.

Surgeon General seems pretty obvious.
“I knew the people who worked for me forumed with me. When you know people, you have to behave towards them like human beings.”  -Oskar Schindler. [Plagiarized]


Steve B

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Re: Dr. Ben Carson Endorses Trump. . . but Why?
« Reply #21 on: March 15, 2016, 06:16:58 AM »
Redstate article with the title: Ben Carson: I Didn’t Want To Endorse Trump, But He Promised Me A Job

Well.  How foolish would Trump be to not make use of Ben Carson's obvious love for the country?  Let's not get it twisted.  Carson could serve in any number of capacities.  He could be Secretary of Health and human services.  He could be secretary of education.  He could be Surgeon General. 

If I'm Trump, I'm saying "Take your pick Dr. Carson.  What are you the most passionate about?  Which job do you think you could most help America with by taking?"

Carson is a great man whose talents need to be put to use.  So is Rubio, and Cruz, and Kasich, and Christie, and Fiorina.  I can guarantee you that Trump will put Rubio to good use once Rubio loses in Florida.  Rubio's career will not be over just because he loses Florida.  Nor will Kasich's if he loses Ohio. That's just media hype for ratings.

Cruz would make an excellent Attorney General or a replacement for Scalia.

In a strange way, you have to admire Rubio because he has shown loyalty to those who support him.  Believe me. . . Trump will see this quality and put it to good use.

If you want to unify a country, you can't play a zero sum game.  You have to play for a win-win outcome.  Trump knows this better than anyone.  The point is that Carson's endorsement of Trump came with no pre-conditions.  Trump's promise to use Carson is purely for two reasons:

1)  Carson has skills to offer our country
2)  Trump, as a president, has to unify our country.  Of course, strategically, this means that those who don't support Trump will try to create disunity and then blame Trump for it.

It's just politics.  See the "big picture" folks.  Go back and see how Hillary and Obama were at each other's throats in 2008.  And then Hillary became Secretary of State when all was said and done.

The only reason Hillary, rather than Joe Biden, is running. . . is because of promises that Obama made to her back in 2008.  Even though Joe Biden, in polls, has shown more electability than Clinton does.

If Carson had won, I would have expected no less from him than to put Donald to work in negotiating smart trade deals.