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Re: Has Anyone Noticed Neopolitan's "Craig's Top Errors"?
« Reply #120 on: March 03, 2016, 02:16:11 AM »
Neo, check #1 in the guidelines.
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Re: Has Anyone Noticed Neopolitan's "Craig's Top Errors"?
« Reply #121 on: March 03, 2016, 02:56:23 AM »
neo, check #1 in the guidelines.

Okay, I'll try to take it back a notch.  I'm not going out of my way to be offensive.  It just takes an effort to not respond appropriately (according to the single world view to which I have uninterrupted access) to the given provocations.



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Re: Has Anyone Noticed Neopolitan's "Craig's Top Errors"?
« Reply #122 on: March 03, 2016, 02:59:00 AM »
You'll have to prove the existence of your god without relying on biblical authority.  Sorry about that.

I think that this was where we were at.  You wanted me to not quibble on the nature of your god, I agreed with some minor caveats.  Shall we continue?


Philip Rand

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Re: Has Anyone Noticed Neopolitan's "Craig's Top Errors"?
« Reply #123 on: March 03, 2016, 04:15:05 AM »
1/  If God does not exist then concept-acquisition does not exist.

2/  Concept-acquisition does exist

3/  Therefore God exists.
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Re: Has Anyone Noticed Neopolitan's "Craig's Top Errors"?
« Reply #124 on: March 03, 2016, 05:43:07 AM »
If you promise not to post any quibbling about the nature of God until I prove to you that He exists
then we have a deal.
I might quibble about the definition of "quibbling", but otherwise, fine, we have a deal ... on the basis that your proof does not rely, at all, on any equivocal claim related to a purported nature of your god.  For the purposes of the discussion, you will have to make concrete your conception of your god's nature (or, more simply, just not rely on claims with respect to that nature).

I'll even ignore that you used "He" rather than "it", which would be more appropriate for a being that is immaterial and, therefore, cannot have testicles or ovaries.  I can't say fairer than that.

Um, okay?  Should I applaud or something.  This seems rather petty on your part.
Now, no more from you about the nature of God
...including speculation about His gender.
It's not speculation.  There is no reason to believe that your god is male.  It never claims to be male, so you are merely making an assumption.  If you are Pathos, then you need to tell me, as Pathos, that specuation about your god's gender is not accepted.  Otherwise you can point to the rule that I am breaking.  If there is one, I am not aware of it.  If there is no rule, which seems to be the case given that I search the rules and guidelines and found no mention of the word "gender", then as a fellow member of the forum you need to know that you cannot lay down the rules arbitrarily (I doubt that you could do so as a moderator either).

I find your imperiousness offensive and inappropriate.  Can we get on with the proper discussion and leave such nastiness behind?

neo - here, a virtual handshake.

Unfortunately I'm a little tone deaf to the subtle sensitivities of engaging with vociferous anti-theist
counter-apologists who, in the vast array of human personality types, sometimes include folks like yourself
who are a little more genteel and more easily offended.

I apologise for any imperiousness or offensiveness that may have bothered you.

Moving forward, you promised not to quibble about the nature of God in deference to my point about the hypocrisy of debating and gnat straining matters of Gods nature when it suits you, then calling "time-out"
and totally rejecting all references to the bible because..."atheists don't take the bible as authoritative".

That's bad faith dialogue - a bait & switch.

So I 'logged' and expect you to keep your promise. No more quibbling, or disingenuous strawman arguments about the Biblical God and His omnipotence, omniscience, immanence, morality, justice, etc. in response to which the biblical theist is not -according to you - allowed to defend. You can't attack the theology of the bible then demand a totally secular defence - especially when you (and others like you) plainly misstate what it is we believe. (See Bunyips error in relation to God coming into existence.)

Nextly, for the record, I have no connection to any of the Moderation team or the pseudonyms used. I have no knowledge about who they are or whether any of them other, than Michael S, are volunteers who simultaneously post under other handles. I'm certainly not Pathos because that would mean I banned myself for a week last year.   

Finally, you should know that I'm not, and don't pretend to be, the sort of apologist WLC would be proud to have as a representative of Reasonable Faith. I'm post-denominational. I'm not studying at Biola. I left school at 16. I don't really 'specialise' in any particular field of apologetics. I'm rather indifferent to academia and pedagogy. I'm an exceedingly amateur arm-chair apologist who hangs out in what Tim McGrew calls "the intellectual shallow end of the pool". I've been called a fundy but I'm not "born again". I'm not especially 'driven' to try and save souls - Jesus alone does that.

But I am fiercely passionate - ready, willing and determined - when it comes to defending my OWN views against unprovoked attack in the public square contest of ideas in respect to the true and essential Good News of Jesus Christ.

...who gave Himself to help us see that sin is not terminal, death is not the end, and hope is available to those who are are hurt, lost, suffering, depressed, scared and alone on that Road to Jericho we call life.
« Last Edit: March 03, 2016, 03:19:50 PM by Lion IRC »
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Re: Has Anyone Noticed Neopolitan's "Craig's Top Errors"?
« Reply #125 on: March 03, 2016, 05:49:17 AM »
1/  If God does not exist then concept-acquisition does not exist.

2/  Concept-acquisition does exist

3/  Therefore God exists.
You can make as many versions of this argument as you like, of the form:

(1) If God does not exist then (some thing claimed to be dependent on the existence of god) does not exist

(2) (some thing claimed to be dependent on the existence of god) does exist

(3) Therefore God exists

But atheists will argue one of two things, either that the thing does not actually exist (the soul for example) or the thing is not actually dependent on the existence of god.  Presenting endless versions of the same structure won't help you.


Philip Rand

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Re: Has Anyone Noticed Neopolitan's "Craig's Top Errors"?
« Reply #126 on: March 03, 2016, 05:54:31 AM »
But atheists will argue one of two things, either that the thing does not actually exist (the soul for example) or the thing is not actually dependent on the existence of god.  Presenting endless versions of the same structure won't help you.

Yes neopolitan... but, all you are doing is using "concepts" to explain a "concept"... 

What I am asking is how did you concept-acquire your concepts?

Now, be careful... otherwise you will simply use a "concept" to explain how you "concept-acquired-the-concept"... which explains nothing...
« Last Edit: March 03, 2016, 05:56:33 AM by Philip Rand »
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Re: Has Anyone Noticed Neopolitan's "Craig's Top Errors"?
« Reply #127 on: March 03, 2016, 05:54:51 AM »

Does this mean that you don't want to take on the challenge of proving the existence of your god without using the bible as an authority?



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Re: Has Anyone Noticed Neopolitan's "Craig's Top Errors"?
« Reply #128 on: March 03, 2016, 05:56:35 AM »
But atheists will argue one of two things, either that the thing does not actually exist (the soul for example) or the thing is not actually dependent on the existence of god.  Presenting endless versions of the same structure won't help you.

Yes neopolitan... but, all you are doing is using "concepts" to explain a "concept"... 

What I am asking is how did you concept-acquire your concepts?

You're leading into an appeal to ignorance.  Let me help you get to that point.  I don't know how I concept-acquire my concepts (I don't even know what you are talking about).

And no, that was not what you were asking.  Why do you think I would accept your claim that you were?


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Re: Has Anyone Noticed Neopolitan's "Craig's Top Errors"?
« Reply #129 on: March 03, 2016, 06:02:44 AM »
Oh...neopolitan... no, its clearly not ignorance... you are simply being confronted with an internal-relation (which is of itself a concept)...

What you have to do now... is to examine the structure of an internal relation... you have to think critically...

That is the first step...
« Last Edit: March 03, 2016, 06:08:28 AM by Philip Rand »
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Re: Has Anyone Noticed Neopolitan's "Craig's Top Errors"?
« Reply #130 on: March 03, 2016, 06:12:07 AM »
Oh...neopolitan... no, its clearly not ignorance... you are simply being confronted with an internal-relation (which is of itself a concept)...

What you have to do now... is to examine the structure of an internal relation... you have to think critically...

That is the first step...
Nonsense, absolutely meaningless nonsense.  Do you honestly think that this sort of thing is going to help you win an argument.  Please come back when you have something coherent to say.

(If anyone has issue with me calling this nonsense, I will withdraw my accusation if someone can explain how it isn't nonsense.  Note the word "explain", so we need more effort than just claiming that it's not nonsense.)


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Re: Has Anyone Noticed Neopolitan's "Craig's Top Errors"?
« Reply #131 on: March 03, 2016, 10:00:02 AM »
1/  If God does not exist then concept-acquisition does not exist.

2/  Concept-acquisition does exist

3/  Therefore God exists.

Is it just me or is this argument on the same level with the following:

1/  If God does not exist then there are no tires on my truck.

2/  There are tires on my truck.

3/  Therefore God exists.

The general form of the argument seems to be:

1/  If god exists [anything which is obviously true here]

2/  Assertion that the obviously true thing is true.

3/  "Therefore God exists."

What am I missing?  More importantly, is this sort of side babble appropriate in a thread which seems to be poised to deliver an interesting exchange between Neo and Lion?


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Re: Has Anyone Noticed Neopolitan's "Craig's Top Errors"?
« Reply #132 on: March 03, 2016, 10:07:12 AM »
But atheists will argue one of two things, either that the thing does not actually exist (the soul for example) or the thing is not actually dependent on the existence of god.  Presenting endless versions of the same structure won't help you.

Yes neopolitan... but, all you are doing is using "concepts" to explain a "concept"... 

What I am asking is how did you concept-acquire your concepts?

Now, be careful... otherwise you will simply use a "concept" to explain how you "concept-acquired-the-concept"... which explains nothing...

I hope it will not be too disrespectful to point out the obvious similarity between this and a game kids play where, if two of them say the same word at the same time, both endeavor to be the first to say "jinx one, two, three".  The other person must immediately cease speaking.  By using your own concept acquisition skills to arrive at this strange conclusion you seem to think Neo is now obliged to stop relying on any concepts.  Really?


Philip Rand

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Re: Has Anyone Noticed Neopolitan's "Craig's Top Errors"?
« Reply #133 on: March 03, 2016, 10:19:32 AM »
whateverist... I can easily quantify your confusions...

Try to answer this question:

"Why does the winner of a sprint race always cross the finishing line first?"
A lover of horses and Mozart.


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Re: Has Anyone Noticed Neopolitan's "Craig's Top Errors"?
« Reply #134 on: March 03, 2016, 10:58:39 AM »
whateverist... I can easily quantify your confusions...

I'd prefer to see them cross stitched.

Try to answer this question:

"Why does the winner of a sprint race always cross the finishing line first?"

What does he have in his pocketses???  But if I answer correctly don't think for a minute I'm leading you out of the orc cave.

Would the sprinter be an unmarried man by any chance?  Or perhaps a bachelor?
« Last Edit: March 03, 2016, 12:40:41 PM by whateverist »