With the scientific knowledge we have today...
« on: July 27, 2015, 01:52:29 AM »
Hello Everyone:  Science has, in part, been an experience which positively influence my choice to become a Christian (BSME Univ of IL, Champaign/Urbana). So when I hear Atheist scholars say how Science has made belief in God unnecessary, I wish there would be a stronger response to this.  Sean Carroll said as much along the lines of - Christians who benefit from the support, community with others, which religion offers have done so because we did not have science and were naive and continue to be.  Atheist didn't have science either, so were all Athiests ignorant as well, right though they were in their non-belief, of course?

It seems to me that Athiests are ready to claim that they have arrived, or are close to understanding everything.  For me, knowledge of the world we live in and all of its wonder is divergent - the saying "the more I know the more I find out that I don't know" applies.  I have been hearing this conceit of how knowledgeable we are and how Science makes belief in God unnecessary, and it bugs me - LOL! 



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Re: With the scientific knowledge we have today...
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2015, 10:25:06 PM »
So when I hear Atheist scholars say how Science has made belief in God unnecessary, I wish there would be a stronger response to this.

A strong response to scientific agnosticism would be unscientific and down right arrogant. You can't prove God and there are plausible alternatives to every theory that appeals to God as explanation.

It seems to me that Athiests are ready to claim that they have arrived, or are close to understanding everything. 

No atheist is claiming that. Nobody but religious fundamentalists are claiming that they have arrived. All reputable atheists are merely emphasizing that there are equally plausible alternatives to the God hypothesis so belief is unjustified.

For me, knowledge of the world we live in and all of its wonder is divergent - the saying "the more I know the more I find out that I don't know" applies.  I have been hearing this conceit of how knowledgeable we are and how Science makes belief in God unnecessary, and it bugs me - LOL!

It bugs the hell out of me but it's the opposition that's taking that absurd position. Nobody is saying your superstitions aren't true, just that they have no basis in fact and that there are more plausible alternatives and so your beliefs are unjustified. Most atheists are not out to prove there is no God, just that belief in God isn't necessary.
some dive into the sea, some toil upon the stone


Jenna Black

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Re: With the scientific knowledge we have today...
« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2015, 01:02:00 AM »
So when I hear Atheist scholars say how Science has made belief in God unnecessary, I wish there would be a stronger response to this.

A strong response to scientific agnosticism would be unscientific and down right arrogant. You can't prove God and there are plausible alternatives to every theory that appeals to God as explanation.

It seems to me that Athiests are ready to claim that they have arrived, or are close to understanding everything. 

No atheist is claiming that. Nobody but religious fundamentalists are claiming that they have arrived. All reputable atheists are merely emphasizing that there are equally plausible alternatives to the God hypothesis so belief is unjustified.

For me, knowledge of the world we live in and all of its wonder is divergent - the saying "the more I know the more I find out that I don't know" applies.  I have been hearing this conceit of how knowledgeable we are and how Science makes belief in God unnecessary, and it bugs me - LOL!

It bugs the hell out of me but it's the opposition that's taking that absurd position. Nobody is saying your superstitions aren't true, just that they have no basis in fact and that there are more plausible alternatives and so your beliefs are unjustified. Most atheists are not out to prove there is no God, just that belief in God isn't necessary.
Science is merely a systematic methodology for inquiry into how God's creation works. We Christians are perfectly content to let science be science and God be God. What interests us is the theological implications of new scientific knowledge. The more we learn about science, the more we are in awe at God's power and love for His creation.
Philippians 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

Re: With the scientific knowledge we have today...
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2015, 09:02:49 PM »
As philosopher of science Thomas Kuhn once noted, “philosophers of science have repeatedly demonstrated that more than one theoretical construction can always be place upon a given collection of data.” Therefor, operational science isn't the problem because the data remains neutral and unspecified. It's the presupposed philosophical assumptions tied within interpreting the given data which causes conflict.