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Re: Carroll is good at articulating materialist myths
« Reply #15 on: April 25, 2016, 10:06:36 PM »
Doesn't seem to me to be common knowledge at all, that the available data supports naturalism. Your article doesn't make any claim about naturalism either.

Do you have a clear grasp of what naturalism says? Can you lay out the inference that goes from scientific data to naturalism?
The point is that the universe's existence is not a complete mystery - we don't need to assume a God in order to explain it. 

One thing the natural world has in its favor: everyone agrees it exists.



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Re: Carroll is good at articulating materialist myths
« Reply #16 on: April 26, 2016, 02:45:57 AM »
No they don't--there are idealists, solipsists etc.



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Re: Carroll is good at articulating materialist myths
« Reply #17 on: March 09, 2020, 08:58:36 AM »
Having just joined this forum, I am a bit late with these comments but here goes.
One of the materialist doctrines that flies in the face of reason is that entropy is entropy and that an explosion can ultimately yield skyscrapers and submarines.  Carroll seems to accept unquestioningly that heat can produce humans and matter in motion can produce machinery.  This has never been demonstrated or observed.  The blind workings of nature are nearly sterile when it comes to producing useful complexity regardless of how open a system might be.  In contrast, virtually all observable instances of useful creativity have been the result of intelligent (human) effort.   Like Dawkins, Carroll is an example of ingenuity making nonsense seem plausible.
One can say that to the materialists, “vast time” is the Creator. To push the science of the situation forward we need to know more about what changes can really be expected across this “vast time,” which otherwise is merely waving the hands. Our science is yet young, and a more mature science will start answering these questions. Today it’d be a miracle to see a materialist admit the exact changes across vast time are worth examining.

Yet proving God’s existence was never the real challenge. Of what use is it to the world, when an ungodly mind says, “God exists”? What the world really needs is godly minds. Those who accept the idea of hell would admit those devils know about God, but are still devils. Yet if they know about God, such knowledge is too shallow to transform their being. They know about God but He remains irrelevant, as they follow devilish schemes.