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Aaron Massey

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What do you think about this...
« on: August 21, 2014, 02:40:37 AM »
I have been debating this dude on Youtube regarding trinity, he accuse's me of being a JW etc..   I have not found him very pleasant tbh.

He is steadfastly Trinitarian, i dare say he thinks it is absolutely crucial to being a Christian. 

I really dont know how this youtube debate started...just did from a comment on a video and got out of control, bit silly really.

Thing is i dont argue for any explanation of gods structure, except that Jesus is God's Son and that i dont accept the trintity because i feel the evidence for it is weak.

Now i came acros a line of thought regarding scripture he was questioning me on, which he thinks is a mass defeater for JW's unitarians etc..

The only thing is, my defeater of it kind of makes Geneisis more metaphorical.

My main argument usually is,  How does a father come before a son?  it is illogical.

His answer, they are eternal. (hard to argue against, but i still insist based on sufficent reason that all sons come after fathers, so even if eternal it has to be that trinity is not true.)

But his other argument is that Isiah 44:24 says that Jehovah created everything, and that in Colossians 1:16 that Jesus created everything.

So therefore God and Jesus are the same person.
But Colossians does not say Jesus created everything i dont believe.

My argument against this is that col1:16 says everything was created "through" Jesus.
Not Jesus created everything.   

But i also added that Jesus in Col1:15 is born first over all creation.
"The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation."

Now that is the difficult one, but i think i have it worked out, so i would like to hear if people think it stacks up.

Jesus is the Truth and light and life. John 14:6

The light was one of the first things created in Genesis, Genesis 1:3

Jesus is life, nothing that lives, lives without light.    Get where i am going?

 Jehovah created Jesus, his first born in genesis which is known as the light.

The light is born to rule over all creation in line with Gen 1:3 and Col1:15
 God Jehovah creates Heavens and Earth, then the first born is...the Light (jesus) over all creation.(ie: it was formless and dark covered it all) So the light was born over it.  Light is what is needed for life and all life came through jesus.

Only problem for me, well not a major problem, being quite literal i am using genesis use of Light as a metaphor for Jesus. ( i think this is done alot?) But i also think most scripture carrys 2 meanings so im not that bothered by it. 

But this really damages trintarian belief if what i am suggesting is true. 

That jesus was created by God in the way explained above. 

Thougts? does it work?
« Last Edit: August 21, 2014, 09:30:13 AM by Aaron Massey »
Proverbs 8:30 "then I was beside him, like a master workman, and I was daily his delight, rejoicing before him always, rejoicing in his inhabited world and delighting in the children of man."