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Dr. Craig vs. Peter Atkins: "Does God Exist?"
« Reply #15 on: January 15, 2012, 04:38:41 PM »
emailestthoume wrote:
Well I did see "almost always," as  well. And I was a little surprised to see that you responded to someone who was giving an opinion about a debate you probably haven't even seen yet with these comments, which is why I said something.

The post I responded to was not just about the one debate that this topic is about, but about all of Dr. Craig's debates with atheists. I have not seen this debate but there have been several times in the past where I read on these forums what Dr. Craig's supporters have said about a debate and then I go to watch the debate for myself and find it to be vastly different than what they described. My point applies generally, and not to just one debate.

But to continue with your sports analogy, if one team has a significantly better record or lineup, people usually know that one side has the better team (in the analogy this would represent the better arguments) even if they are hardcore fans of the other team. I know all about it, I am a Bears fan but I realize they suck.

My analogy wasn't about which team is better, but who 'should have' won the game. If an unranked college football team plays a team in the top 25 fans might be able to admit that their team (the unranked team) isn't as good as their opponent (the top 25 team). But what I am talking about is when fans say after the game that they should have won. They will remember the bad calls against their team, the dropped passes that would have set up TDs, the missed FGs, etc. While doing this they accept the mistakes of their opponent as being due to their team's performance. You remember the hits and forget the misses.


FNB - Former non-believer

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Dr. Craig vs. Peter Atkins: "Does God Exist?"
« Reply #16 on: January 15, 2012, 10:13:09 PM »
Alexander wrote:
Quote from: emailestthoume
Well I did see "almost always," as  well. And I was a little surprised to see that you responded to someone who was giving an opinion about a debate you probably haven't even seen yet with these comments, which is why I said something.

The post I responded to was not just about the one debate that this topic is about, but about all of Dr. Craig's debates with atheists. I have not seen this debate but there have been several times in the past where I read on these forums what Dr. Craig's supporters have said about a debate and then I go to watch the debate for myself and find it to be vastly different than what they described. My point applies generally, and not to just one debate.

But to continue with your sports analogy, if one team has a significantly better record or lineup, people usually know that one side has the better team (in the analogy this would represent the better arguments) even if they are hardcore fans of the other team. I know all about it, I am a Bears fan but I realize they suck.

My analogy wasn't about which team is better, but who 'should have' won the game. If an unranked college football team plays a team in the top 25 fans might be able to admit that their team (the unranked team) isn't as good as their opponent (the top 25 team). But what I am talking about is when fans say after the game that they should have won. They will remember the bad calls against their team, the dropped passes that would have set up TDs, the missed FGs, etc. While doing this they accept the mistakes of their opponent as being due to their team's performance. You remember the hits and forget the misses.

Your right that people have a tendency to focus on the positives of their side and overlook the negatives. But I have no interest in bickering about what you said. I'm just looking forward to hearing the debate myself and seeing what really happened.


Chris Dotson

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Dr. Craig vs. Peter Atkins: "Does God Exist?"
« Reply #17 on: February 05, 2012, 01:46:03 PM »
Where is the video for this debate?
God, let your will be done. Amen.


FNB - Former non-believer

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Dr. Craig vs. Peter Atkins: "Does God Exist?"
« Reply #18 on: February 05, 2012, 02:43:29 PM »
Chris9809 wrote: Where is the video for this debate?

It hasn't been released yet.

Dr. Craig vs. Peter Atkins: "Does God Exist?"
« Reply #19 on: March 01, 2012, 10:30:52 AM »

Is Craig getting in the ring with Atkins again? Boy, Atkins doesn't know when to quit does he? He lost in '98 by a land slide (see the youtube vid. for details) and he's going to again. Any idea where it is going to be held?

Dr. Craig vs. Peter Atkins: "Does God Exist?"
« Reply #20 on: April 05, 2012, 02:12:52 AM »
Hi. Check . im newbie
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Aaron Massey

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Dr. Craig vs. Peter Atkins: "Does God Exist?"
« Reply #21 on: April 13, 2012, 04:47:44 AM »
Debate dosnt seem to be linked yet...  here:
Proverbs 8:30 "then I was beside him, like a master workman, and I was daily his delight, rejoicing before him always, rejoicing in his inhabited world and delighting in the children of man."



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Dr. Craig vs. Peter Atkins: "Does God Exist?"
« Reply #22 on: April 24, 2012, 07:04:58 AM »

I was really dissappointed with Atkins performance here.  I would have thought, being a chemist and all, Atkins would be more than prepared to take on these arguments- Craig seemed to invite it by selecting those 3 particular arguments out his typical 5!  Instead, Atkins chooses to attack philosophy in general, purporting how useless it is?  Isn't that a philosophical stance on its own?



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Dr. Craig vs. Peter Atkins: "Does God Exist?"
« Reply #23 on: April 27, 2012, 01:31:11 PM »
I agree I just finished this and Atkins was massively unprofessional. He was just talking down to believers and never engaging the arguments. "I can say that there will possibly be eventually an answer to the questions given by science." Seriously? We're supposed to discard your opponents arguments because you're saying that there might one day possibly be proof they're wrong?
God willed both to reveal himself to man, and to give him the grace of being able to welcome this revelation in faith.(so) the proofs of God's existence, however, can predispose one to faith and help one to see that faith is not opposed to reason.



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Dr. Craig vs. Peter Atkins: "Does God Exist?"
« Reply #24 on: May 01, 2012, 03:52:49 AM »
I only watched half way through and I was just shocked how Atkins STILL holds to the idea that "Nothingness is separated into opposites". Easily rebutted: Nothingness has no properties to do anything or to produce anything. Atkins: Well we should not use philosophical arguments, but only observation and science. Really? You mean, do not use philosophical arguments when it is inconvenient for atheism. Arguing that using philosphical arguments are invalid is a philosophical statement as the truth of this assertion cannot be observed by science.

I think Atkins is often very rude and patronising towards Christians, but actually being taken under proper scrutiny himself, he has nothing to offer other than rethorical banter.
Pieter van Leeuwen



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Dr. Craig vs. Peter Atkins: "Does God Exist?"
« Reply #25 on: May 01, 2012, 03:54:51 AM »
I have much more respect of the likes of Peter Millican and Stephen Law who actually make me think.
Pieter van Leeuwen


Chris Dotson

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Dr. Craig vs. Peter Atkins: "Does God Exist?"
« Reply #26 on: May 05, 2012, 01:43:00 AM »
That was hilarious.

Edit: If I were Dr. Craig, I'd have likely walked over and poked Dr. Atkins on the shoulder to prove my point.
God, let your will be done. Amen.

Dr. Craig vs. Peter Atkins: "Does God Exist?"
« Reply #27 on: May 06, 2012, 08:16:28 PM »
Corioa wrote: Yet regardless of his self-assurance of wisdom, he however was at a complete loss to address a single argument Dr. Craig gave.

That is an interesting and cogent observation.  I have heard Dr. Craig remark on several occasions how many of his atheist debate opponents appear not to be schooled in the art, style, or rules of debate, or that they are sufficiently trained in philosophy to present in debate a coherent argument.  Yet, in some cases, as with atheist author and apologist Sam Harris, at least some of his opponents have at least some formal training and debate experience.

I am coming to the belief that these atheists use the forum as nothing more than a foil, a sounding board, a bully pulpit, with emphasis on the bully.  They also attempt to stack the audience with rhetorical bullies, as well.  This I believe is regarded as merely a free opportunity to rail in public against theism in general and against Christianity in particular.  They certainly have a religion (atheism), but use the debate forum as an ersatz Sunday congregational gathering.

Dr. Craig vs. Peter Atkins: "Does God Exist?"
« Reply #28 on: May 08, 2012, 12:55:27 PM »
And Craig called Atkins "Richard Dawkins" twice or three times, it made the public laugh and made me very very embarrassed. Then he in fact quoted Dawkins, showing that he was with his name in mind because he had this quotation to do.

But Atkins, who was nervous but more prepared than in the first time, made a point that should be explored: the application of causation notion in a time that we don't know how it works. And again, as in many debates, the opponent shows that doesn't understand how metaphysical argumentation can be true and refer to reality. I miss some showing of this important lesson when they do it.

Dr. Craig vs. Peter Atkins: "Does God Exist?"
« Reply #29 on: May 30, 2012, 09:05:37 AM »
Mr Craig proved that infinite God does not exist as infinity as he suggested is impossible. Nothing comes from nothing that means nothing should have qualities as modern science and quantum mechanics suggest. God is a more complicated problem than the solution it applies and don't solve anything as the question remains how God came from nothing. Morality is very clear that is not objective and alter depending on the physiology of humans, culture, environment the illusion of objectiveness on morality comes from morality being the evolution of our the two basic instincts ho are essential for every species to exist.