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Books on Angelology
« on: June 13, 2007, 05:25:12 AM »

Can someone supply me with a list of suggested readings on Angelology?



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Books on Angelology
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2007, 12:36:28 PM »
NCApologist wrote:

Can someone supply me with a list of suggested readings on Angelology?

I am not sure the angle you're looking to investigate, but from what I hear, you will find both Charles Kraft (anthropologist and missiologist) and Clinton Arnold (NT scholar) helpful and credible sources on this matter. Both have written on the issue of spiritual powers, though, I think, more on the subject of demons and spiritual warfare than on angels.



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Books on Angelology
« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2007, 12:46:24 PM »
By the way, if you happen upon Kraft's Defeating Dark Angels you'll have to ignore the cover art.  Scrape the layer of cheese off the top and it's supposed to be a pretty good book.

Books on Angelology
« Reply #3 on: March 02, 2008, 04:34:22 AM »
Hello There.


   No one has suggested the Bible and that I would suggest is a prime resource.


   From there I would suggest Billy Graham's book 'Angels'. Though I have not read this myself I know some people who have found this book helpful and insightful. Though it is a layman's guide and scripture is its only source material it would make a good introductory text and study guide. Amazon reviewer writes "The only weakness of the book is, ironically, also its greatest strength--it is written so that anyone can understand it... I would very much like to see a more detailed, scholarly treatment of the subject"


   Now this is probably not what you are looking for at all,  but these novels are interesting contributions to Angelology in that they give a picture of how people perceive angels, what they do, and how they go about things. 'This Present Darkness' by Frank Peretti and its sequel 'Piercing the Darkness' have no doubt had a big influenced on people's perceptions today. And one wonders just how much C.S. Lewis' 'The Screwtape Letters' have influenced these novels and the thought of the 20th century on the topic of angels and demons.


   Apart from the above I cannot help you. All the best with your study.
Stuart McEwing



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Re: Books on Angelology
« Reply #4 on: March 06, 2020, 07:45:10 AM »
There are many stunning deficiencies in Christianity, that are elements which should have been there were the minds actually caring and inquiring. Perhaps first on this list is that no Christian ever expresses a desire Jesus had lived longer so that He could say more. The little He said is regarded as more than was wanted, showing He is not loved.

High on the list also is that somehow the fervent declamations that “Jesus is Lord” have never translated practically into “God takes on a body.” Jesus is mixed up and mangled in the human mind, with a man, since they cannot think above themselves even when trying to think about God. Humans are body-identified and can’t truly think about spirit in body.

Right beside this on the list is that no one has even remotely posited that if God can take on a body, the angels may be able to do so too. Angelic embodiments are even mentioned in the Bible but it is done so casually no one takes it seriously. The Abrahamic religions contain interpretations some on Earth are “fallen angels,” who were expelled from Heaven.

As I’ve maintained it is not conceivable for an angel to actually rebel against God. However, an angel might disagree with God’s plan for mankind, perhaps wanting to guide more directly and not rely so much on the Holy Spirit. And in the end this might be the real plan, some angels wanted to stand beside men, and God agreed it could be done.

Alternatively, the angels after implementing this plan discovered God had always been right, that for them to exist among humans amounts to terrible anguish and continual woe. Having agreed that God’s taste of the human “medicine” has cured them of a desire to assert direct guidance, they may want to try to win their way back to blissful Heaven.