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Re: Historical Quantrill
« Reply #15 on: January 09, 2023, 12:21:28 PM »
Here is a brief summary of the last two posts.

"It appears to me"   Post #(13) page (1) Completely subjective.

"Im not directing this to Quantrill" Post #(13) page (1) Sure you are.

"because I don't know"  Post #(13) page (1) You should if you read my posts.

"That's my impression as well"  Post #(14) page (1) Typical scared follower.

So much ignorance coupled with fear leads to posts like these.  What a ruse.  Everyone likes to spout their opinion and yet remain unaccountable. 

I'm willing to discuss it.  Are yall?  Or do you just want to play it safe?   So many crawdads.

« Last Edit: January 09, 2023, 05:53:20 PM by Quantrill »



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Re: Historical Quantrill
« Reply #16 on: January 10, 2023, 08:54:32 AM »
That's my impression as well.  I once knew a guy who admitted he brandished a Confederate flag because he wanted to be seen as a rebel.  He knew it irritated people, and got a reaction out of them -- but didn't fully understand the context of it and the history of the Confederacy.  I've seen that more than once around here in Western Pennsylvania.  I have a conservative friend who has lived in Western PA his entire life (i.e. part of the Union with no historical ties to the Confederacy except as bitter enemies) and is a huge Trump supporter and has a Confederate flag displayed in his front window.  He sees himself as a patriot who loves America.  I think he likes the Confederate flag because he thinks it annoys liberals, supporters of BLM, etc.  Does he understand Pennsylvanians have died fighting against the troops who fought under that flag?

Yes! Same here in Upstate NY/Western NY. Of course, we have a history of KKK here so I can see some connection, but it's still strange.
So common to see the Rebel flag flown with the Trump flag now.... Seems a similar deal. They like the outrage - they love being non-PC.
Oh, well, to each their own...



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Re: Historical Quantrill
« Reply #17 on: January 10, 2023, 01:16:39 PM »
That's my impression as well.  I once knew a guy who admitted he brandished a Confederate flag because he wanted to be seen as a rebel.  He knew it irritated people, and got a reaction out of them -- but didn't fully understand the context of it and the history of the Confederacy.  I've seen that more than once around here in Western Pennsylvania.  I have a conservative friend who has lived in Western PA his entire life (i.e. part of the Union with no historical ties to the Confederacy except as bitter enemies) and is a huge Trump supporter and has a Confederate flag displayed in his front window.  He sees himself as a patriot who loves America.  I think he likes the Confederate flag because he thinks it annoys liberals, supporters of BLM, etc.  Does he understand Pennsylvanians have died fighting against the troops who fought under that flag?

Yes! Same here in Upstate NY/Western NY. Of course, we have a history of KKK here so I can see some connection, but it's still strange.
So common to see the Rebel flag flown with the Trump flag now.... Seems a similar deal. They like the outrage - they love being non-PC.
Oh, well, to each their own...

Oh please.  You can brown nose with GRWelsh and he can brown nose with you, which proves nothing except you both like the smell.  You're scared. 

You're afraid to engage.  As you should be.  Breathe deep.

« Last Edit: January 10, 2023, 01:19:20 PM by Quantrill »



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Re: Historical Quantrill
« Reply #18 on: January 17, 2023, 01:10:17 PM »
I couldn't pass up this observation.  And that is the parallel between what is taking place in Ukraine today and what was taking place in Kansas/Missouri just prior to our War Between The States, which was the time and area Quantrill grew up in. 

In Ukraine we are seeing opposing forces supplying each other in a war, though not declared.  It is a proxy war.  The West is fighting Russia. It is done in a geographical area, Ukraine, which officially is not tied to either.  And it is brutal. 

In the U.S. War Between The States the same was true.  The Northern States were supplying Kansas with men and weapons.  The opposition, the Souther States, were also supplying Kansas with men and weapons. 

In other words, what is known as our War Between The States, was being fought in Kansas/Missouri, long before it became an official war.  My point being, it would become, it had no alternative but become, a terrible official war later. 

The difference being, the West, and Ukraine, and Russia, are on a global scale. 

In other words, history teaches us that the road we are on in Ukraine, is a road to unavoidable destruction on a global scale.


« Last Edit: January 17, 2023, 05:14:16 PM by Quantrill »



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Re: Historical Quantrill
« Reply #19 on: January 20, 2023, 06:24:41 PM »
You know, I keep getting these slurs against the Confederacy, the Confederate Flag, Dixie, and so on, from people here, due to my use of the name 'Quantrill'.    Along with being a bigot and supporter of slavery etc. etc.   The usual Politically Correct bull manure.

Yet when I say, let's address it, there is no one to be found.  Instead I am branded a troll by many.   So I have determined when yall call someone a troll, it's because you have no argument.  And it's easier to call someone a troll then to engage in debate with them.  Especially since you know, that you don't know what you're talkling about.

Of course I am willing for any here to prove me wrong.  Let's talk. Quantrill.  Slavery.  Civil War.  Rebels.  Traitors.  Any  'men' out there?  Or are yall just 'guys'.  So, far I'm thinking the latter.
