Matthew Kissel

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Again, thanks GRWelsh.  

I have an idea for another post where we can discuss Jesus' historical teaching for any atheist who's mind is changed by Craig's main four arguments but doesn't want to jump into Biblical inerrancy or Christians in general who just want to discuss historical reasons for believing in certain aspects of Christianity without resorting to claims of inerrancy.



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As some point in time you need to read the Bible and let the Holy Spirit convict you of its truth.
Christianity makes a strong presumption that God can enter the individual mind, but this is a completely unexamined presumption. Today the preachers are universally making statements like the one quoted, but even in the Old Testament God was said to manifest His power in dreams, that apparently it then required prophets to untangle. I do not dispute that God enters the human mind, in fact I see evidence for this that most do not see. However I do dispute that He does much good there. This is not a transformative action, instead like guiding an eighty ton truck with no brakes down a steep mountain grade, barely avoiding a crash. This actually follows from Christian doctrine, if man is fallen and God is entering men’s minds but not transforming them, they must require it. That is to say the souls are weak and God brings supplementation, but not transformation. Currently Christians boast about it, but it has not been pointed out it means they’re weak.