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Don't believe everything you hear
« on: March 22, 2023, 04:24:22 AM »
For the second time in my life, there was something that hit the news that I had intimate knowledge about. I know, for a fact, that many of the articles that were written about it included items that were factually incorrect. It's a healthy reminder that you cannot really know something to be true unless you have first hand knowledge.
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Re: Don't believe everything you hear
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2023, 11:52:44 AM »
I refuse to believe that journalists and journalism is anything other, than pure altruism for the sake of truth, in many cases of which the journalists themselves would readily do the job without payment of any sort, but fully giving themselves for the sake of truth, so that the rest of us may live in the light!

Irony aside, here's an unpopular opinion:

Journalism is the Satanic inversion of Apostleship and evangelism, whereby through technology - since he lacks the Holy Spirit, thus cannot simultaneously do things supernaturally as the Spirit does, hence technology that achieve similar effect is in place to ensure it, - what the Holy Spirit achieved in God's Power, Satan achieves through man's and matter's power.

That is: if the Holy Spirit is the One, in Whom we move and have the renewal of the mind, so that we adhere to what is the true knowledge of Lord Jesus Christ and God, then the journalism of the world is that, which tries to achieve that same effect. It's not even journalism per se, but rather propaganda, since the model of bottom-up change, in the model of the Gospel, where the ordinary man is convinced of Christ, thus eventually when a critical mass of people in the bottom of society become of particular mind, this leads to a total change, then secular revolutions are such materialistic reversal of said thing that God does supernaturally.

As such, propaganda and journalism are the means through which bottom-up change in particular nation, or society, is achieved, by collective evangelical effort by the media to vocalize particular belief and beat it into the skull of each member so much so, that a critical mass of believers is achieved, thus eventual change becomes unavoidable.

Journalism on small scale and on local level may remain somewhat free of propaganda and for the sake of truth reporting, but on national and global level it is just a Satanic tool to achieve what God does  in man through His Spirit.

And in the model of Satanic delusion, as shown in the Eden, the delusion itself consists of some truth, but is corrupted through a lie that has one fall, because pure lies cannot be believed, they are always mixed with the truth, so as to achieve convincing effect. One must stay watchful, one must test the spirit behind each thing. "Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out.". I wouldn't be surprised if the False Prophet, in meaning, is actually mass media.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2023, 12:02:22 PM by kravarnik »
"For though the splendour of His eternal glory overtax our mind's best powers, it cannot fail to see that He is beautiful. We must in truth confess that God is most beautiful, and that with a beauty which, though it transcend our comprehension, forces itself upon our perception." Saint Hilary