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The qualities and problems of circular time
« on: April 25, 2017, 01:11:36 PM »
I am looking for resources which discuss the qualities and problems of circular time.  I attempted to reach out to Dr. Craig directly, but got a staffer response that “As you know, Dr. Craig's position is that God is timeless "before" or without creation and in time subsequent to creation.”  I’m familiar with and respect Dr. Craig’s position, however I’m attempting to respond to a proposed solution involving circular time.  Can anyone point me toward scholarly articles or any other published resources? 



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Re: The qualities and problems of circular time
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2017, 04:35:51 PM »
Just to avoid confusion, “circular time” is meant differently than what is commonly understood as “cyclical time”.  Where “cyclical time” repeats a series of similar or identical events, “circular time” does not repeat.  What I am interested in is:

-A series of events that, as I said, do not repeat.  The total duration of a circular timeline is defined by the circumference of the circular timeline.
-A series of events that has no determinable beginning/ending point. 
-A series of events which are circular via their causal relationships. 

Cyclical time, it seems, uses the circle as a merely simplified representation of an actually linear timeline, which just happens to have a repeating set of events.