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Craig vs Slezak

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Dr Craig vs Peter Slezak
« on: December 08, 2013, 03:04:45 AM »
This forum is open for discussion about William Lane Craig's dialogue with Peter Slezak on ""Your God raised Jesus from death?""

The debate took place at the University of Western Sydney on August 12, 2013.

-Reasonable Faith Discussion Forum Moderator



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Re: Dr Craig vs Peter Slezak
« Reply #1 on: December 21, 2013, 06:00:53 PM »

  Is there a link to this debate?

  I'm sorry I missed it.



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Re: Dr Craig vs Peter Slezak
« Reply #2 on: December 23, 2013, 12:10:39 PM »
 I've watched several of your debates and they are pretty hard for me to follow as I am no where nearly as educated as you or whoever you are debating. One thing really jumped out to me is the fact that there are according to the Gospels eye witnesses of the resurrection in the sense that they saw Jesus after he was crucified. To my knowledge, there are no witnesses to refute. Also , there has been no one to come forward during the time of the Gospel writings and offer any evidence that the Gospels are a hoax.People in today's times try to say they are a hoax but none from the time of their writing which is big in my mind because the Jewish leadership certainly wanted to prove it a hoax. If your debates were held in a court of law , you would win in a slam dunk. They have zero witnesses. Also, where is the motive? The apostles and disciples certainly didn't get rich and most were tortured or even killed for spreading the word of Jesus. Why would they die for a lie? Anyway, keep up the good work and hopefully shut those guys up. God Bless



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Re: Dr Craig vs Peter Slezak
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2014, 02:23:44 PM »

Not sure, but I think, this is the one.
I don't think this is the one. The video was supposedly put up four days prior to the debate (give or take a number of hours based upon timezone difference). I think this took place in 2002.
Yoda: Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate...leads to suffering...

St. Paul: ...and suffering produces endurance, and endurance, proven character, and proven character, hope, and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out into our hearts through the holy Spirit



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Re: Dr Craig vs Peter Slezak
« Reply #4 on: January 16, 2014, 06:51:06 PM »
I've watched several of your debates and they are pretty hard for me to follow as I am no where nearly as educated as you or whoever you are debating. One thing really jumped out to me is the fact that there are according to the Gospels eye witnesses of the resurrection in the sense that they saw Jesus after he was crucified. To my knowledge, there are no witnesses to refute. Also , there has been no one to come forward during the time of the Gospel writings and offer any evidence that the Gospels are a hoax.People in today's times try to say they are a hoax but none from the time of their writing which is big in my mind because the Jewish leadership certainly wanted to prove it a hoax. If your debates were held in a court of law , you would win in a slam dunk. They have zero witnesses. Also, where is the motive? The apostles and disciples certainly didn't get rich and most were tortured or even killed for spreading the word of Jesus. Why would they die for a lie? Anyway, keep up the good work and hopefully shut those guys up. God Bless

Before you shut the critical mind up, please take the time to read through my arguments against yours and think about them.  ;)
Reason and emotion are what make us human. But reason without emotion is cruelty, emotion without reason is stupidity.



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Re: Dr Craig vs Peter Slezak
« Reply #5 on: September 13, 2014, 07:10:49 AM »
Decrease your exam stress by using our lates   and best quality    Colorado State University–Pueblo   .



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Re: Dr Craig vs Peter Slezak
« Reply #6 on: March 11, 2015, 09:57:06 PM »
I've watched several of your debates and they are pretty hard for me to follow as I am no where nearly as educated as you or whoever you are debating. One thing really jumped out to me is the fact that there are according to the Gospels eye witnesses of the resurrection in the sense that they saw Jesus after he was crucified.
The Gospels don't claim to be eyewitnesses and one in fact says it isn't.

To my knowledge, there are no witnesses to refute.
There are no witness refuting Mohammads ascension to Heaven, or Jospeh Smith's Golden Tablets. This is not how we arrive at truth.

Also , there has been no one to come forward during the time of the Gospel writings and offer any evidence that the Gospels are a hoax.
Probably because the gospels were written long after the alleged event, and was a small cult for a few generations.

In fact, the gospels were written between 1 and 4 generations after 30 CE.

People in today's times try to say they are a hoax but none from the time of their writing which is big in my mind because the Jewish leadership certainly wanted to prove it a hoax.
The Jews were dispersed after 70 CE and they had bigger concerns than a small, mystery religion that had no power or influence.

If your debates were held in a court of law , you would win in a slam dunk.
His arguments don't, in fact, win in courts nor in philoosphical debates. You will note there is no provision for accepting ANY supernatural claims in court.

They have zero witnesses. Also, where is the motive? The apostles and disciples certainly didn't get rich and most were tortured or even killed for spreading the word of Jesus. Why would they die for a lie?
There is no reliable evidence the apostles were killed or died with the belief that Jesus rose bodily from the dead. One or two of them may have been killed for not accepting the national religion, but that's completely different.

There is no record, anywhere, that the apostles had a chance to recant their belief, or if they did or didn't.

There is nothing to say they didn't ALL recant, but were executed anyhow.

Anyway, keep up the good work and hopefully shut those guys up. God Bless
Can't shut us up. The truth is too important to us.
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Re: Dr Craig vs Peter Slezak
« Reply #7 on: December 27, 2019, 10:21:03 AM »
This forum is open for discussion about William Lane Craig's dialogue with Peter Slezak on ""Your God raised Jesus from death?""
God when embodied, what has been referred to as the Incarnation of God, the Avatar or Lord, performs no extra miracles besides those that the Invisible God is always performing to form and maintain the globe. This is going to come as sour news to those who are unable to appreciate God’s everyday miracles, or who hold secret desires for occult powers of their own. God when embodied is known for His different attributes, that some can see on their own, but which He could also describe to those who cannot see but could understand. The Lord is the Creator, stealing a spot for a time, among creatures.

This means every miracle attributed to Jesus in the Bible, including the resurrection, is false and has at best allegorical value. For instance Jesus walking on water might be a poetic way an angel might describe how the Lord moves among men, but is not a man. Many have said the religion of Christianity falls without these extra miracles, and so it does, because salvation by grace is also false. Though speaking of the fall of man, no one has assessed the impurities of the soul, for if this had been done it is seen patently absurd to think it can be purified rapidly. For the religions popularity has been the rule, not truth.